District 16
San Antonio Bridge League Webmaster
Unit 172 of the American Contract Bridge League
P r e s i d e n t ' s   M e s s a g e
Nancy Tom

Unit 172 would like to give a shout-out to Rosemary Kelly and Beth Gale, who are meticulously working on the July 2025 Regional and certainly have their hands full. Thanks to everyone who showed up, played, participated and volunteered. Our unit games and sectional would not happen without you.

Planning for 2025 has begun. Our board members are so incredibly excited about the upcoming year. We are all passionate about the work we do. We have several goals to accomplish, the most important being membership and increasing newcomer participation. Bridge is such an awesome game and we want more people to know it! We want to attract new players and encourage them to play in local clubs and tournaments. We will need your help with this effort in growing our unit. We need any ideas, strategies, proposals, or recommendations. Please email or call any board member with your suggestions, no idea is too small.

I would also like to remind everyone of our upcoming Mar. 1 Awards Day unit game.

P l a y e r    S p o t l i g h t R e c e n t   U p d a t e s
Left to right: Ellen Hessel (2024 Cisse Horton Trophy), Ira Hessel (2024 George Gray Trophy), Don Marcott (2024 Paul Lewis Trophy)
Roxana Tom Spring Sectional
Click on banner for flyer or results

San Antonio Bridge League, Inc. is a subsidiary of The American Contract Bridge League, Inc.
and operates as a non-profit organization within its constitution, bylaws and regulations