Top and Bottom Bid    
    Right Hand Opponent Opens One of Any Suit    
    You Respond With a Three Club Bid    
    You Hold 10 + HCP' s      
    You Must Be Five and Five in The Top and Bottom Suits    
    Your Response …. to 1 Spade opener by right hand opponent    
      HCP's   Bidding      
      10 +   3 Clubs You hold 5 cards each in Clubs and Hearts.    
          Note: If you respond with 2 Spades (Michael's bid)    
            your partner would know you had Diamonds    
            and Hearts.    
    Your Response …. to 1 Heart opener by right hand opponent    
      10 +   3 Clubs You hold 5 cards each in Clubs and Spades    
          Note: If you respond with 2 Hearts (Michael's bid)    
            your partner would know you had Diamonds    
            and Spades.    
    Your Response …. to 1 Diamond opener by right hand opponent    
      10 +   3 Clubs You hold 5 cards each in Clubs and Spades    
    Your Response …. to 1 Club opener by right hand opponent    
      10 +   3 Clubs You hold 5 cards each in Diamonds and Spades