Reverse by Opener      
    Two Level Reverse      
    Partner Bids "Up the Line"      
    Opener has 16 + High Card Points    
    1st Suit Must be Longer Than 2nd Suit    
    2nd  Suit Must Be Higher in Rank    
    Partner Must NOT Have Bid Second  Suit    
    Opener's Rebid Must Go to 2 Level to Show 2nd Suit    
    Three Level Reverse      
    Partner's Response Forces Opener to 3 Level For 2nd Suit    
    2nd Suit May Now be LOWER in Rank    
    2nd Suit May Have Same Length as 1st Suit    
    Responder's Response to … 1 Club, 1 Spade, 2 Hearts    
      A Reverse is Forcing for One Round    
      HCP's   Bid      
      6 to 9   3 Hearts Promises 4 Card Support    
      6 to 9   3 Clubs Promises 3 Card Support    
      5 to 7   2 Spades No Fit and 5 + Cards in Bid Suit    
      5 to 7   2 NT w/ Stopper in Unbid Suit    
      8 to 11   3 NT Good Values w/ Stopper in Unbid Suit    
      8 +   3 Diamonds New Minor Forcing *    
      10 to 11+   ???? Game Bid or Slam Interest    
      *  New Minor Forcing … Looking for 3 Card Support of Resonders Spade Bid