Minor Suit Stayman      
    • Opener bids One No Trump and partner bids Two Spades.    
    • Responder is 5-4 or 4-5 in the Minors.    
    • Responder has 9 + high card points.    
    • This convention is off if opponents bid.    
    Opener's response to… 1 NT, 2Spades.    
      Bid   Comment      
      2 NT   Minimum hand w/o 4 card minor.    
      3 C or 3 D   Minimum hand w/ 4 card C or D Suit.    
      3 H or 3 S   Shows (or asks for) H or S stopper, looking for 3 NT.    
      3 NT   Maximum hand w/o 4 card Minor Suit.    
      4 C or 4 D   Maximum hand w/ 4 card C or D Suit.    
      4 H   Slam interest in Clubs w/ 5 card support or NT.    
      4 S   Slam interest in Diamonds w/ 5 card support or NT.    
    Responder's Response to …… 1 NT,  2 Spades, anything.    
      Bid   Comment      
      Pass   Minimum hand.      
      3 C or 3 D   Minimum 5 card support, non forcing.    
      3 H or 3 S   Respective splinters.      
      3 NT   Signoff      
      4 C or 4 D   Invitational if partner bid 3; otherwise strong and forcing.    
    Responder's Response to …… 2 NT opening bid by partner.    
      Bid   Comment      
      3 Spades   Slam interest w/ at least 5/4 shape in Minors.    
    Opener's response to… 2NT, 3 Spades.    
      3 NT   No 4 card Minor.      
      4 C or 4 D   4 card support.      
      4 H   Slam interest in Clubs w/ 5 card support or NT.    
      4 S   Slam interest in Diamonds w/ 5 card support or NT.    
    Responder's Response to …… 2 NT,  3 Spades, anything.    
      Bid   Comment      
      Pass   Will play there      
      3 NT   Signoff      
      4 C or 4 D   Signoff      
      5 C or 5 D   Signoff      
      4 NT   RKC Blackwood      
      6 C or 6 D   To play.