One NT Forcing      
    Response After Partner Opens One of a Major    
    Poor Fit by Responder      
    Responder has 5 to 11 High Card Points    
    Opener's Response to 1 NT Bid    
      HCP's   Bid      
      13 to 15   Rebid 6 Card Major      
      13 to 17   Rebid Any Other 4 Card Suit    
      13 +   2 Clubs is a Waiting Bid for More Info (Alertable)    
      18 to 21   Jump Shift      
      16 to 17   Jump Raise w/ 6 Card Suit    
      18 to 19   2 NT w/   5,3,3,2 Distribution    
    Responder's Response to …… 1Spade,  1NT,  2Clubs    
      HCP's   Bid      
      Weak   Pass w/ Six or more Clubs    
      6 to 9   2 Diam/Heart w/ Five Card Suit    
      Weak   2 Spades Shutoff May have less than 3 Trump Support    
      10 to 11   2 NT No Spade Support    
      10 to 12   3 Club w/ Strong Six Card Club Suit    
      10 to 12   3 Diam/Hearts      
      10 to 12   3 Spades Limit Raise w/ 3 Card Support & No Ruffing