Flannery ... 2 Diamond Opening Bid    
    Must be opening bid at table … Alertable Bid    
    Five Hearts and Four Spades    
    11 to 15 High Card Points    
    Responder's Response      
      HCP's   Bid      
      LT 10   Pass With 6 or more Diamonds    
      LT 10   2 Heart Shutoff    
      LT 10   2 Spade Shutoff    
      10 to 12   3 Club Opener bid 3 NT If Ax, Kx, or Qxx in Club's    
      10 to 12   3 Diam Opener bid 3 NT If Ax, Kx, or Qxx in Diam's    
      10 to 12   3 Heart Inviting game bid    
      10 to 12   3 Spade Inviting game bid    
      12 to 15   4 Club Game Bid …Transfer to Hearts    
      12 to 15   4 Diam Game Bid …Transfer to Spades    
      12 to 15   4 Heart Game Bid    
      12 to 15   4 Spade Game Bid    
      11 plus   2 NT  Need More Info from Opener… (Alertable)    
    Opener's Response to 2NT Bid    
      11 to 13   3 Heart 2 - 2 in the minors    
      14 to 15   3 Spade 2 - 2 in the minors    
      14 to 15   3 NT 2 - 2 in minors w/ values    
      11 to 15   3 Club 3 Cards in bid minor suit    
      11 to 15   3 Diam 3 Cards in bid minor suit    
      11 to 15   4 Club 4 Cards in bid minor suit    
      11 to 15   4 Diam 4 Cards in bid minor suit