Ft. Western Unit 183


July 14, 2010

A. President Shirey called the meeting to order at: 5:30P.M.

Board Members Quorum met

B. The Minutes for May 19, 2010, were approved

C. Treasurer’s Report.

Tom Hughes presented a report and the Board approved it

with amendments.

* The electric bill has a deposit of $3,800. dollars which is deposited

in an interest bearing account. This money is to be added to the

financial list for Unit 183, under the 'assets’ column.

* Tournament report for the June Sectional, 2010, will be generated by

by Tom Hughes and C. Pinto and presented to the Board in its

August meeting.

* Tom Hughes is to present to the Board a copy of the IRS tax filing

in its August meeting.

* Tom Hughes is to file a claim with our insurance carrier to replace the

items stolen.

D. Old Business.

l. Audit Status. Tom Hughes is to turn financial statements to Mr. Walker

by the end of July 18, 2010, and also provide him with a copy of the

studio rental lease. The Board stressed the importance with co-operating

with Mr. Walker to complete this audit.

* The $5,000. dollar deposit on this rental contract is also to be added to

the financial list for Unit 183 under the heading “assets.’

2. Telephone Directory. T. Nute reported, it is still in progress.

3. Insurance Policy for the studio. M. Hirsch reported that she met with a

representative for The Hartford, Sentinel Ins. Co. Limited Insurance.

*Bridge players are covered inside the studio and at Ft. Western Unit

183 sponsored tournaments. The deductible is : $250.00 per

occurrence. When directors are directing they are not covered. When

a director is a player and not directing, it is a gray area that the claims

adjuster would evaluate.

* The trailer is not covered under this policy. The trailer would need a

separate insurance policy, as if for an automobile.

* Attached to these minutes will be a copy of the insurance policy.

4. Directors’ Responsibilities. M. Hirsch and the Board discussed a checklist

which ‘spells out’ responsibilities that each director is supposed to adhere to,

the Board will further discuss this checklist and the options available to enforce

such a list. M. Hirsch was appointed by the Board to 'draft’ a new guideline

format with expectations for bridge directors in which expectations of their

work ethics and behavior toward bridge players will be emphasized. This

draft will be discussed in its August meeting.

5. Shuffler. C. Pinto is postponing discussion on this instrument for a later date.

6. Other Old Business. S. Shirey is researching options as to the future of the

Ft. Worth Unit Game.


1. Upcoming sectionals. C. Pinto will be directing the Non-Life Master

Sectional in August 14-15, 2010, at the Ft. Worth Studio with Max

Jackson assisting.

*October Sectional. Will be held at Will Rogers on October 15-17. 2010.

Same parking option will be in place, as in the June Sectional.

2. Nominating Committee. Three Board members’ terms are expiring on Dec.2010.

These members are: Tom Hughes, Tom Nute and Max Jackson. M. Hirsch,

was appointed Committee Chair with D. Washabaugh and Janet Jordan as the

other members of this committee.

3. Refrigerator. The Board approved for the expenditure for a new refrigerator,

and D. Washabaugh will be in charge of buying it.

4. Carpet. C. Pinto will speak with M. Williams to research the topic of buying

new carpet for the Studio. Ms. Williams is to make a report to the Board in its

August meeting and bring samples of carpets and at least three bids.

5. Unit STaC Games. StaC games will begin on August 2-August 7, 2010.

The Wednesday night Unit game will be a STaC game.

6. Parties-Diamond LMs, etc.M. Hirsch reminded the Board that two of our

players have reached Diamond Life Master, Randy Ausmus and Billy Leeper,

with J’Neane Huey, not too far behind. THe Board will be planning a

celebration in their honor of achieving this status in the very near future.

7. Trash at Sectionals. M. Hirsch made the suggestion that plastic bags be tied to

each bridge table to maintain'cleanliness’ in the bridge playing area.

8. Free plays for Webmaster. The Board approved one weekly free play for

Larry Crowder, our new webmaster for services rendered.

9. Sunshine Committee. M. Hirsch reported the following:

* Judy Phillips’ husband is ill

* Sharon Tucci is still at home and improving

* Tex Rankin is at Global Rehab. across from Southwest.

F. Adjourned, 7:15 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Elizabeth H. Hudson
