Text Box: Fort Western Unit 183 
Board Meeting Minutes
September 16, 2009







Present: Katye Kowierschke, Max Jackson, Steve Shirey, Kay Jones,

              Tom Nute, Tom Hughes, Mary Hoger, Margot Hirsch


Tom Nute called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Tom explained, in Carolyn’s absence, that the minutes were approved and posted.


Mary Hoger presented the Treasurer’s Report. She stated that TXU sent a letter of explanation about the electric charges. We shall receive a bill in the near future. If necessary, we can pay the balance over time.  Mary asked for board input about the Certificate of Deposit that has matured. The board approved renewing the CD for one year. Mary will present the financial report for the regional tournament at the next meeting.



Kay Jones and Tom Hughes reported on the Regional Tournament. It was a tremendous success. The number of people that attended set new records. Unfortunately, the Unit ran out of registration gifts, $2.00 bills, and late night snacks. The board approved paying $200.00 each to Tom Hughes, Max Jackson, and Jason Jones for setting up, taking down and transporting the tables. The board approved paying for hotel lodging for Kay Jones.


The caddies need to be trained to separate bidding boxes by owner at the end of the tournament. The board approved, upon Carolyn Pinto’s request, that six caddies each receive an additional $20.00.


Kay also made the following recommendations for future tournaments: Do not offer players more than one choice of drinks with meals. Either offer water or pop rather than both because players will take one of each which drives up the cost. Designate one place for the entire tournament for hand records and for daily bulletins. Recruit more volunteers to help throughout the tournament.


Steve Shirey reported that at least twenty-five participants will attend each seminar led by Mike Lawrence.


Tom Hughes reported that the following are candidates for the upcoming board election:

Mike Goldman, Elizabeth Hudson, Janet Jordan, Katye Kowierschke, Keith McCall, Nora Oliver, Bill Walker, Diane Washabaugh, and Millie Williams. Tom stated that he is in the process of preparing the bios and ballot. The board will help him get the ballots ready for mailing.





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The following individuals will be asked to serve on the Election Committee to collect and count ballots: Kathy Coleman, Margot Hirsch, Melody Gann, Kay Jones, Colleen Tiernan, Mary Hoger, and Judy Staser.



The board discussed the icemaker. The studio will continue to use the ice maker in its current condition.


Sunday, December 6, 2009, is the date for the Board’s Annual Christmas Meeting.


The PRO AM Game is scheduled for Wednesday, October 28, 2009 at 7:00 p.m.

Tom Nute will secure a committee chair for this event.


The board looked at samples of potential prizes. The board voted not to purchase any of the items.


The meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Margot Hirsch