Fort Western Unit 183
Board Meeting Minutes
January 21, 2009
Present: Tom Nute, Mary Hoger, Kay Jones, Max Jackson, Steve Shirey,
Margot Hirsch, Katye Kowierschke, (Guest) Bob Marvin,
Absent: Tom Hughes
Tom Nute called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm. Our guest Bob Marvin presented
a plan to become our new Webmaster. The plan included updating the site and
requested that any changes/suggestions be provided to him no later than 30
January 2009. Bob plans to have a revised website by 1 April 2009.
Mary Hoger gave the Treasurer’s Report. She reported that the NLM Tournament did
not operate at a loss that we actually made a very small profit. The Treasurer’s
Report was approved.
Carolyn Pinto presented a janitorial report and the board approved the services
of Bonus. We will have services 3 days a week at a cost of $365.00 a month.
The board authorized the issuance of keys to all board members and each Director
and Teacher.
Margot reported that our dumpster will cost $72.88 a month and they will pick up
every Tuesday.
Thanks to Ivan Uys the telephone, internet, cable and gas will be ready when we
move to our new location.
Diane Washabaugh provided a written status report on the new building and other
than a few open items we should have the final inspection sometime on Thursday
22nd or Friday 23rd January 2009. After we received this final city inspection
we can move.
The board was informed that an opinion poll was taken and 95% of our players
wanted the Unit to continue to provide plates and forks. Therefore, this motion
passed without a vote.
There was no motion on this issue - we simply let the current policy remain in
We will have a special board meeting on 4 February 2009 to continue with the
following items:
Purchase Clock for Studio and Tournaments
Juanita McLean $200.00 contribution to our Unit.
Standing Committee Assignments
Revise Standing Rules
Smaller games pay less rent
GNT Qualifying Dates
Fort Worth Sectional Date
The meeting was adjourned at 6:50 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Carolyn Pinto
Secretary-Unit 183