Arlington Duplicate Bridge Club
of Texas
The Bridge Club for the center of the  Dallas/Ft Worth Metroplex

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February is ACBL Education Foundation Month

ADBC this week 

--- Face to Face ---

Education Foundation Upgrades this week

Open Pairs
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday*, Friday 12:30 and  Friday 6:30 pm* and Saturday 1pm
Thursday game is
on this week.  Friday 6:30 is off.

*The Thursday afternoon and Friday pm games  are  held based on the game's host decisions.  Email the event's host below if you desire to play.
  • Thursday contact, Mary Ellen Stanton
  • Friday PM contact, Melody Gann

Limited Pairs

Lesson with I/N limited games, upgraded if feasible.

Sunday <1000 masterpoint @2pm  Tuesday< 750 @ 1pm

There may be a possibility that the club location will be closed due to weather.
The general rule is -  if Arlington Schools are closed -  we are closed.

--- BBO --- 
All BBO games Open: M,T,TH and Mentoring Weds.
Site Content - click to open or close the contents

Playing ACBL Duplicate Bridge Onsite (F2F) and Online, and Teaching Bridge at

1630 West Randol Mill Road,
Arlington, Texas 76012

We are only a short distance from the Texas Rangers (Globe Life)

and the Dallas Cowboy's (AT&T) Stadiums

So if you are in town for a game, big truck event etc.,  look us up..

 See our Facebook site
For Our Club's Email Newsletter send a request to

Our Club participates in the Common Game, allowing our players to play the same hands as many other clubs.

Within these  pages: F2F means Face to Face game onsite at the bridge club. BBO is in reference to our online e-club  that uses BBO as its interface. Numbers on games like 0-1500 show limitations based on ACBL Masterpoints. ACBL Masterpoints are won by placing near or at the top of ACBL games.

Upcoming Events

Silver Senior ACBL Wide Monday Martch 11
ACBL NABC March 12-23


All of February games, unless noted otherwise, will be Education Foundation Fund upgraded games.

Sat 8 ACBL-Wide Games - International Fund Game.

Mon 2/10 - Sat 2/15  Stardust - 25%

Sat 22 Celebration Party at noon for Steve Kornegay making Platinum Life Master


Mon -Thurs 2/17 - 2/20 Education Foundation Week (double  masterpoints awarded) 

Mon-Tue, 3/10/-311 Pre-NABC Event (200% masterpoint Black)
Mon-Tue, 3/10/-311 Post-NAC Event (200% masterpoint Black)
Of interest for many of our players:.

Feb 3-9 Houston Regional


Congraulations to our newest Life Master Diana Clive

We regret to annouce the passing of Dwight Hill. Dwight before covid was an active I/N player at the club and after covid he became active in our morning online games.

Our own Peter and Diana Clive won the District 16 Flight C NAP qualifier 1/11-12.
Congratulate them for their 1st place, giving them an entry in the NAP championship in the Memphis NABC.

We are pleased to announce that we now  have a new Platinum Lifemaster player (15000+significant  platinum points from National Events). Congratulations to Steve Kornegay. See his picture in the Jan
Bulletin pg 71.

Also in  the February 2025 ACBL Bulletin  pg 23 - had ADBC clubs player names. Congratulate Melody Gann and Nancy Peterson for making it within the top  placers of the Whithead Woman's pair.

We are saddened to announce that Hugh Hillaker a highly skilled bridge player from our club has passed.

Our club membership remains at $40 in 2025
Easiest way to pay is to come to club and put cash/check in your game pay envelope mark your evelope name with 2025 Dues.

Our Weekly Game Schedule
Monday Open 12:30 pm  7 pm
Tuesday Limited 1 pm 3 7 pm
Wednesday Open 12:30  pm 7 pm 1
Thursday Open 12:30  pm 7 pm
Friday Open 12:30 pm
Open 6:30 pm
Saturday 1:00 pm2 -
Sunday Limited 2 pm3  
  1. Wed night online is a Mentoring  game - one player of pair must be less than 1500 Masterpoints.
  2. Saturday games occur most Saturdays but not all.
  3. Sunday/Tuesday  game is for newer players.

Events Calendars

Click Button For Desired Calendar

click to see Calendar ACBL Upgraded Game Abbreviations

CC Club Championship increased black points
BWB:UPCC Upgraded Championship with very increased points black
UC Unit Championship increased points black
CH Charity Championship,  increased points black; portion of entry fee going to charity (alternating  ACBL/Local).
NAP North American Pairs Club Qualifier; half points Red
GR,GRF will be for our district 16 GNT and NAP events.
IFG International Fund Game, Supports ACBL sending players to International Events.
STaC Sectional Tournament at the Club - Wide-Area event played at clubs.  Award is Silver Points
RSTAC Royal Sectional Tournament at the Club - Wide-Area event played at clubs.  Awards 25% Gold, Red, Silver, Black
CA Club Appreciation, maximum club points Swiss events provide 5% up to .25 Masterpoints Gold.
JR Junior Fund Game, increased points black, Fund money goes to support ACBL Junior Players Development


BBO Mentoring Games on Weds 7pm
- at least one player in pair must have under 1500 Masterpoints
- Mentoring games unlike our other virtual BBO games, do not allow robot partners.

click for Onsite General Information (schedule, cost, membership requirements)

F2F Weekly Schedule:
Open afternoon games 12:30 pm Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Sat afternoon Open  games 1pm
Open Evening game 6:30 Friday.

Limited games  are 0-750  masterpoint training games with a small lesson before the game

Tuesday at 1:00 Sunday at 2pm check calendar for Holiday and closings.

Onsite Card Fees:  $10


Club and ACBL Memberships:

Club Membership cost is $40 for the calendar year of 2024.You can pay at the club or Contact our treasurer George Morey

The club membership is separate from the ACBL membership.
Club  and ACBL Memberships are not required for any of our open  games/lessons and at this time provides no game entry discount.
For limited BBO   games ACBL membership is required. 

Lessons / small training games

Sundays at 2pm  and Tuesdays at 1:00pm we have bridge refresher mini lessons followed by a limited Masterpoints duplicate game. 

To play in or for more information about these games
Contact Dorothy Moore 214-334-3926 or

 These are fun and useful 2 and half hour lesson/game session for those that have played bridge before, wanting to review or  upgrade their competitive edge.

Congratulations to Arlington (TX) F2F and BBO Players who advanced in rank within the
ACBL January 2025 cycles
Regional MasterMary DebuskDentonTX
Adv NABC MasterKamal DasArlingtonTX