Bridge Academy of West Houston

EVENT>Open & 299er Pairs       |SESSION>Wednesday Mor|SECTION> A N-S
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
DATE>July 24, 2024      |CLUB NO.>277939    | 07/24/2024 18:40
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,---------------------
DIR> Tom Jahnke      |RATING>Club Championship (100%, 80%, 80% Open)|MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>  243.0 |TOP>  18 |MP LIMITS>None/3000/1000 |CLUB>Bridge Academy Of West Ho
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=9/B=6/C=2                       ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ ---------
 1 Kerr Godfrey           David Henke              A   6     .     .   |   2     .     .    280.00  57.61  1.21(OA)
 2 Carol Irvin            Jan Hauck                B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    224.00  46.09
 3 Carol Ehrman           Sharon Kagan             C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    216.50  44.55
 4 Brenda Solovitz        Linda Rensi              A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    234.00  48.15
 5 Pat Kubicek            Abid Mumtaz              B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    213.00  43.83
 6 Dorothy Roper          Ellen Valentine          C   .     .     4   |   .     .     1    225.50  46.40  0.51(OC)
 7 Chloe Ella Fackenthall Rathindra Dutt           B   .     2     .   |   3     1     .    268.00  55.14  1.89(OB)
 8 John Zilic             Winnie Mohsenzadeh       A   4     .     .   |   1     .     .    287.00  59.05  2.15(OA)
 9 Chris Curran           Beverly Fanarof          B   .     3     .   |   4     2     .    255.50  52.57  1.42(OB)

                                          Totals                                           2203.50
EVENT>Open & 299er Pairs       |SESSION>Wednesday Mor|SECTION> A E-W
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
DATE>July 24, 2024      |CLUB NO.>277939    | 07/24/2024 18:40
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,---------------------
DIR> Tom Jahnke      |RATING>Club Championship (100%, 80%, 80% Open)|MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>  243.0 |TOP>  18 |MP LIMITS>None/3000/1000 |CLUB>Bridge Academy Of West Ho
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=9/B=5/C=2                       ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ ---------
 1 Marsha Bernstein       John Du Bose  Jr         A   .     .     .   |   1     .     .    278.50  57.30  1.50(SA)
 2 David Dyer             Connie Conover           B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    195.00  40.12
 3 Najet Soltani          Pamela Greenwood         C   .     .     3   |   .     2     .    241.00  49.59  0.68(OC)
 4 Youssef Youssef        Gabriel Perry            A   .     .     .   |   2     .     .    269.50  55.45  1.05(SA)
 5 David Richard          Nile Gross               B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    235.50  48.46
 6 Betty Westbrook        Linwood Olson            C   .     6     2   |   .     1     1    243.00  50.00  0.90(OC)
 7 Debra Bellan           Marilyn Leiman           A   .     .     .   |   4     .     .    246.50  50.72  0.53(SA)
 8 Lois McCallister       William Griffith         B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    193.50  39.81
 9 Joyce Ryan             Brigitte Sandifer        A   .     .     .   |   3     .     .    268.00  55.14  0.75(SA)

                                          Totals                                           2170.50

EVENT>Open & 299er Pairs       |SESSION>Wednesday Mor|SECTION> B N-S
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
DATE>July 24, 2024      |CLUB NO.>277939    | 07/24/2024 18:40
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,---------------------
DIR> Tom Jahnke      |RATING>Club Championship (100%, 80%, 80% Open)|MOVEMENT>WEB
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>  243.0 |TOP>  18 |MP LIMITS>None/3000/1000 |CLUB>Bridge Academy Of West Ho
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=10/B=7/C=3                      ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ ---------
 1 Audley Karrasch        Kay Johnson              A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    235.50  48.46
 2 Virginia Zilic         Georgiana Gates          A   2     .     .   |   1     .     .    319.50  65.74  3.83(OA)
 3 Richard McGaughy       Van Valentine            C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    202.50  41.67
 4 James Sells            Sandra Clark             A   .     .     .   |   3     .     .    269.00  55.35  0.80(SA)
 5 Gail Gillespie         Sharon Arnold            B   .     .     .   |   .     3     .    233.50  48.05  0.28(SB)
 6 Susan Silvey           Margaret Thomson         C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    202.00  41.56
 7 Leora Nowitz           Debi Balter              B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    213.50  43.93
 8 Edwin (Ted) Bain III   Carolyn Lanier           B   .     5     .   |   4     2     .    249.50  51.34  0.80(OB)
 9 Lorita Tipton          Edna Earle Mattei        C   .     .     .   |   .     .     1    207.50  42.70  0.24(SC)
10 Linda Martinsen        Byron Fackenthall        B   5     1     .   |   2     1     .    281.00  57.82  2.52(OB)

                                          Totals                                           2413.50
EVENT>Open & 299er Pairs       |SESSION>Wednesday Mor|SECTION> B E-W
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
DATE>July 24, 2024      |CLUB NO.>277939    | 07/24/2024 18:40
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,---------------------
DIR> Tom Jahnke      |RATING>Club Championship (100%, 80%, 80% Open)|MOVEMENT>WEB
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>  243.0 |TOP>  18 |MP LIMITS>None/3000/1000 |CLUB>Bridge Academy Of West Ho
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=10/B=7/C=3                      ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ ---------
 1 Josh Roberts           Timucin Erkoc            A   3     .     .   |   2     .     .    298.00  61.32  2.87(OA)
 2 Bert Onstott III       Lauri Laufman            B   .     .     .   |   .     3     .    224.50  46.19  0.28(SB)
 3 Ben Ball               Michael McKown           C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    218.00  44.86
 4 J Evans                Vic Sowers               A   .     .     .   |   3     .     .    274.50  56.48  0.80(SA)
 5 Carol Jewett           Daksha Adhia             B   .     .     .   |   .     2     .    229.50  47.22  0.39(SB)
 6 Lesley Kellet          Marci Keller             C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    213.50  43.93
 7 Darlene Thompson       Audrey Vinyard           C   .     4     1   |   4     1     1    252.00  51.85  1.20(OC)
 8 Stephen Reichek        Jack LaVigne             A   1     .     .   |   1     .     .    336.00  69.14  5.10(OA)
 9 Stephen Bickel         Nicholas Rasmussen       B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    218.00  44.86
10 Cheri Staples          Charles Dalton           B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    182.50  37.55

                                          Totals                                           2446.50

EVENT>Open & 299er Pairs       |SESSION>Wednesday Mor|SECTION> C
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
DATE>July 24, 2024      |CLUB NO.>277939    | 07/24/2024 14:27
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,---------------------
DIR> Tom Jahnke      |RATING>Club Championship (70%, 60% Open)|MOVEMENT>ONE WINNER
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>   54.0 |TOP>   4 |MP LIMITS>299/50         |CLUB>Bridge Academy Of West Ho
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=11/B=4                          ,---,-----------,-------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |  Overall  |      Section      |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-A|Rnk-B| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ ---------
 1 Marc Sullivan          H Ray Yoder              A   3     .   |   3     .     59.63  55.21  0.59(OA)
 2 Joan Land              Loretta Cross            B   .     .   |   .     1     56.50  52.31  0.24(SB)

 4 Peggy Woods            William Petersen         A   2     .   |   2     .     61.50  56.94  0.79(OA)
 5 Cherie Baer            Edward McKee             A   .     .   |   .     .     54.56  50.52
 6 Richard Barski         May Hakki                A   .     .   |   .     .     51.75  47.92
 7 Margaret Zadouri       Kiran Oberoi             B   .     .   |   .     2     56.25  52.08  0.17(SB)
 8 Linda Gaskill          Ruth Bridges             B   .     .   |   .     .     31.50  29.17
 9 Therese Perez          Mary Jane Naquin         B   .     .   |   .     .     52.31  48.44
10 Dennis Sucec           William Belford          A   4     .   |   4     .     57.94  53.65  0.44(OA)
11 Maria Turner           Roslyn Pittsford         A   1     .   |   1     .     68.06  63.02  1.05(OA)
12 Sally Ward             Kelly Harp               A   .     .   |   .     .     42.75  39.58

                                          Totals                                592.75

Board 1
North Deals
None Vul
8 4
A K 10 9
10 9 7
10 8 7 4
7 5
3 2
Q 8 5 3
A J 6 3 2
Q J 10 6 3
J 6 5
K 6
K Q 9
A K 9 2
Q 8 7 4
A J 4 2

NS 4; NS 2; NS 1N; NS 2;
Par +420: NS 4=

4 N4 K42018.000.00A4-Solovitz-RensiA7-Bellan-Leiman
2 ×E−2 530017.001.00A1-Godfrey-HenkeA1-Bernstein-Du Bose Jr
2 N4 Q17014.004.00A3-Ehrman-KaganA5-Richard-Gross
2 N4 Q17014.004.00A8-Zilic-MohsenzadehA6-Westbrook-Olson
2 N3 Q1409.508.50A9-Curran-FanarofA8-McCallister-Griffith
2 E−2 51005.5012.50A6-Roper-ValentineA2-Dyer-Conover
2 E−2 51005.5012.50A7-Fackenthall-DuttA4-Youssef-Perry
1 NTW−1 10502.0016.00A2-Irvin-HauckA3-Soltani-Greenwood
2 E−1 5502.0016.00A5-Kubicek-MumtazA9-Ryan-Sandifer
3 N4 Q17014.004.00B1-Karrasch-JohnsonB1-Roberts-Erkoc
3 N4 Q17014.004.00B2-Zilic-GatesB4-Evans-Sowers
2 N4 Q17014.004.00B10-Martinsen-FackenthallB2-Onstott III-Laufman
5 E−3 K15011.007.00B8-Bain III-LanierB7-Thompson-Vinyard
3 N3 Q1409.508.50B3-McGaughy-ValentineB6-Kellet-Keller
2 S3 71107.5010.50B5-Gillespie-ArnoldB10-Staples-Dalton
2 N2 Q1107.5010.50B9-Tipton-MatteiB9-Bickel-Rasmussen
2 E−1 4502.0016.00B4-Sells-ClarkB8-Reichek-LaVigne
1 NTW−1 A502.0016.00B6-Silvey-ThomsonB3-Ball-McKown
1 NTW−1 A502.0016.00B7-Nowitz-BalterB5-Jewett-Adhia
3 N3 91404.000.00C5-Baer-McKeeC2-Land-Cross
1 NTN1 Q902.501.50C6-Barski-HakkiC10-Sucec-Belford
2 S2 7902.501.50C9-Perez-NaquinC7-Zadouri-Oberoi
2 W−1 A501.003.00C12-Ward-HarpC1-Sullivan-Yoder
4 S−1 7500.004.00C8-Gaskill-BridgesC4-Woods-Petersen

Board 2
East Deals
N-S Vul
K 3
J 7 4 2
J 8
J 10 8 5 2
8 2
A Q 8 6 5 3
K 9 6 3
A J 10 9 7 6 5
7 5 4
A 7 4
Q 4
K 10 9
A Q 10 2
K Q 9 3

EW 4; EW 1N; N 2; EW 1; EW 1; S 1;
Par −420: EW 4=

2 E5 K20015.502.50A6-Roper-ValentineA2-Dyer-Conover
3 E5 920015.502.50A7-Fackenthall-DuttA4-Youssef-Perry
4 N−4 A40012.006.00A5-Kubicek-MumtazA9-Ryan-Sandifer
3 N−4 A40012.006.00A9-Curran-FanarofA8-McCallister-Griffith
4 E4 K4209.009.00A2-Irvin-HauckA3-Soltani-Greenwood
4 E5 K4506.0012.00A1-Godfrey-HenkeA1-Bernstein-Du Bose Jr
4 E6 K4804.0014.00A3-Ehrman-KaganA5-Richard-Gross
4 ×N−4 511001.5016.50A8-Zilic-MohsenzadehA6-Westbrook-Olson
5 ×N−5 A14000.0018.00A4-Solovitz-RensiA7-Bellan-Leiman
3 E4 417018.000.00B5-Gillespie-ArnoldB10-Staples-Dalton
3 E5 K20015.502.50B6-Silvey-ThomsonB3-Ball-McKown
4 N−2 A20015.502.50B9-Tipton-MatteiB9-Bickel-Rasmussen
4 N−4 A40012.006.00B4-Sells-ClarkB8-Reichek-LaVigne
4 E4 K4209.009.00B3-McGaughy-ValentineB6-Kellet-Keller
4 E4 K4209.009.00B8-Bain III-LanierB7-Thompson-Vinyard
4 W5 K4506.0012.00B2-Zilic-GatesB4-Evans-Sowers
4 E5 K4506.0012.00B7-Nowitz-BalterB5-Jewett-Adhia
3 ×N−3 A8003.0015.00B10-Martinsen-FackenthallB2-Onstott III-Laufman
4 ×N−4 A11001.5016.50B1-Karrasch-JohnsonB1-Roberts-Erkoc
4 E−1 5504.000.00C5-Baer-McKeeC2-Land-Cross
2 E4 A1702.501.50C9-Perez-NaquinC7-Zadouri-Oberoi
3 E4 K1702.501.50C12-Ward-HarpC1-Sullivan-Yoder
3 E5 K2001.003.00C6-Barski-HakkiC10-Sucec-Belford
4 E5 24500.004.00C8-Gaskill-BridgesC4-Woods-Petersen

Board 3
South Deals
E-W Vul
8 7 3 2
A K Q J 6
J 9 7
K 5 4
10 7 3
A 6 4 3 2
J 10
Q 10 9 6
K 5
Q 8 7 6 5 2
9 8 5 2
Q 10 8
A K 9 3

NS 3; NS 2N; NS 2; EW 2; NS 1;
Par +140: NS 2+1

4 N4 742012.006.00A1-Godfrey-HenkeA1-Bernstein-Du Bose Jr
4 N4 642012.006.00A4-Solovitz-RensiA7-Bellan-Leiman
4 N4 842012.006.00A5-Kubicek-MumtazA9-Ryan-Sandifer
4 N4 642012.006.00A6-Roper-ValentineA2-Dyer-Conover
4 N4 642012.006.00A9-Curran-FanarofA8-McCallister-Griffith
2 N4 71704.0014.00A8-Zilic-MohsenzadehA6-Westbrook-Olson
3 N3 81402.0016.00A3-Ehrman-KaganA5-Richard-Gross
4 N−1 5501.0017.00A2-Irvin-HauckA3-Soltani-Greenwood
6 N−2 51000.0018.00A7-Fackenthall-DuttA4-Youssef-Perry
4 N4 942012.006.00B1-Karrasch-JohnsonB1-Roberts-Erkoc
4 S4 942012.006.00B2-Zilic-GatesB4-Evans-Sowers
4 N4 642012.006.00B3-McGaughy-ValentineB6-Kellet-Keller
4 N4 642012.006.00B5-Gillespie-ArnoldB10-Staples-Dalton
4 N4 442012.006.00B7-Nowitz-BalterB5-Jewett-Adhia
4 N4 842012.006.00B8-Bain III-LanierB7-Thompson-Vinyard
4 N4 442012.006.00B9-Tipton-MatteiB9-Bickel-Rasmussen
4 N4 642012.006.00B10-Martinsen-FackenthallB2-Onstott III-Laufman
2 N4 101704.0014.00B4-Sells-ClarkB8-Reichek-LaVigne
3 N4 101704.0014.00B6-Silvey-ThomsonB3-Ball-McKown
1 NTS4 61804.000.00C6-Barski-HakkiC10-Sucec-Belford
4 N−1 3502.002.00C5-Baer-McKeeC2-Land-Cross
2 N−1 10502.002.00C8-Gaskill-BridgesC4-Woods-Petersen
4 N−1 K502.002.00C12-Ward-HarpC1-Sullivan-Yoder
6 N−3 91500.004.00C9-Perez-NaquinC7-Zadouri-Oberoi

Board 4
West Deals
Both Vul
Q 10 8 5
K 10 6
Q 8 7
K 3 2
9 4 3
A 7
A K 5 2
J 8 7 4
A K 7
J 8 5 4 2
J 6 4
J 6 2
Q 9 3
10 9 3
10 9 6 5

EW 4; EW 3N; EW 3; EW 4; EW 3;
Par −620: EW 4=

3 NTW−1 510013.504.50A1-Godfrey-HenkeA9-Ryan-Sandifer
3 NTW−1 510013.504.50A2-Irvin-HauckA2-Dyer-Conover
3 NTW−1 510013.504.50A5-Kubicek-MumtazA8-McCallister-Griffith
3 NTW−1 510013.504.50A7-Fackenthall-DuttA3-Soltani-Greenwood
3 NTW−1 510013.504.50A8-Zilic-MohsenzadehA5-Richard-Gross
2 E3 101109.009.00A3-Ehrman-KaganA4-Youssef-Perry
3 NTW3 56004.5013.50A9-Curran-FanarofA7-Bellan-Leiman
3 NTE4 106300.5017.50A4-Solovitz-RensiA6-Westbrook-Olson
3 NTW4 56300.5017.50A6-Roper-ValentineA1-Bernstein-Du Bose Jr
3 NTE−2 220018.000.00B1-Karrasch-JohnsonB10-Staples-Dalton
3 NTW−1 610013.504.50B2-Zilic-GatesB2-Onstott III-Laufman
3 NTW−1 510013.504.50B3-McGaughy-ValentineB5-Jewett-Adhia
3 NTW−1 510013.504.50B6-Silvey-ThomsonB4-Evans-Sowers
2 E3 21408.0010.00B5-Gillespie-ArnoldB9-Bickel-Rasmussen
3 NTW3 56004.5013.50B4-Sells-ClarkB7-Thompson-Vinyard
3 NTE3 26004.5013.50B7-Nowitz-BalterB6-Kellet-Keller
3 NTW3 56004.5013.50B8-Bain III-LanierB8-Reichek-LaVigne
3 NTW3 56004.5013.50B9-Tipton-MatteiB1-Roberts-Erkoc
3 NTW3 56004.5013.50B10-Martinsen-FackenthallB3-Ball-McKown
3 NTW−2 52004.000.00C9-Perez-NaquinC5-Baer-McKee
2 NTE−1 51002.002.00C1-Sullivan-YoderC8-Gaskill-Bridges
3 NTW−1 51002.002.00C7-Zadouri-OberoiC10-Sucec-Belford
3 NTE−1 51002.002.00C12-Ward-HarpC2-Land-Cross
1 NTW3 51500.004.00C11-Turner-PittsfordC4-Woods-Petersen

Board 5
North Deals
N-S Vul
K 9 8
A Q 6
9 2
K 10 6 5 4
A 10 7 4 3
9 5
A 10 5
8 3 2
Q 6 2
7 3
Q J 7 6 3
A J 7
J 5
K J 10 8 4 2
K 8 4
Q 9

NS 3; EW 2; S 1N; EW 2; N 2; S 1;
Par +100: EW 3×−1

3 S4 817012.006.00A2-Irvin-HauckA2-Dyer-Conover
3 S4 A17012.006.00A4-Solovitz-RensiA6-Westbrook-Olson
2 S4 217012.006.00A7-Fackenthall-DuttA3-Soltani-Greenwood
2 S3 A1408.509.50A5-Kubicek-MumtazA8-McCallister-Griffith
3 S3 A1408.509.50A8-Zilic-MohsenzadehA5-Richard-Gross
3 W−1 A506.0012.00A9-Curran-FanarofA7-Bellan-Leiman
4 S−1 91003.5014.50A1-Godfrey-HenkeA9-Ryan-Sandifer
3 S−1 41003.5014.50A3-Ehrman-KaganA4-Youssef-Perry
4 S−1 31003.5014.50A6-Roper-ValentineA1-Bernstein-Du Bose Jr
4 S4 362016.501.50B1-Karrasch-JohnsonB10-Staples-Dalton
4 S4 A62016.501.50B2-Zilic-GatesB2-Onstott III-Laufman
4 S4 A62016.501.50B7-Nowitz-BalterB6-Kellet-Keller
4 S4 262016.501.50B10-Martinsen-FackenthallB3-Ball-McKown
2 S4 317012.006.00B4-Sells-ClarkB7-Thompson-Vinyard
2 S4 A17012.006.00B5-Gillespie-ArnoldB9-Bickel-Rasmussen
4 ×W−1 A1007.0011.00B8-Bain III-LanierB8-Reichek-LaVigne
4 S−1 A1003.5014.50B3-McGaughy-ValentineB5-Jewett-Adhia
2 W4 91700.5017.50B6-Silvey-ThomsonB4-Evans-Sowers
3 W4 A1700.5017.50B9-Tipton-MatteiB1-Roberts-Erkoc
4 S4 46203.500.50C1-Sullivan-YoderC8-Gaskill-Bridges
4 S4 86203.500.50C11-Turner-PittsfordC4-Woods-Petersen
3 S4 A1701.502.50C7-Zadouri-OberoiC10-Sucec-Belford
3 S4 A1701.502.50C9-Perez-NaquinC5-Baer-McKee
3 W−2 A1000.004.00C12-Ward-HarpC2-Land-Cross

Board 6
East Deals
E-W Vul
Q J 10 4 3
J 7 6 5 4
A 10
8 7 6
K 7 6 2
10 8
J 8 6 5
A K 9 5 2
A 8 5 3
9 7
Q J 10 4
Q 9 3 2
K Q 4 3 2

NS 4; NS 2; EW 1; EW 1;
Par +130: NS 2+2

4 ×E−2 Q50018.000.00A2-Irvin-HauckA2-Dyer-Conover
3 N5 A15014.503.50A1-Godfrey-HenkeA9-Ryan-Sandifer
2 NTN3 A15014.503.50A9-Curran-FanarofA7-Bellan-Leiman
3 N3 A11010.507.50A7-Fackenthall-DuttA3-Soltani-Greenwood
3 S3 211010.507.50A8-Zilic-MohsenzadehA5-Richard-Gross
1 E−1 K1007.5010.50A4-Solovitz-RensiA6-Westbrook-Olson
2 E−1 21007.5010.50A5-Kubicek-MumtazA8-McCallister-Griffith
2 E−1 K1007.5010.50A6-Roper-ValentineA1-Bernstein-Du Bose Jr
2 E2 21101.0017.00A3-Ehrman-KaganA4-Youssef-Perry
2 E−2 Q20016.501.50B4-Sells-ClarkB7-Thompson-Vinyard
3 ×E−1 K20016.501.50B7-Nowitz-BalterB6-Kellet-Keller
3 N4 K13012.505.50B5-Gillespie-ArnoldB9-Bickel-Rasmussen
3 N4 A13012.505.50B10-Martinsen-FackenthallB3-Ball-McKown
1 E−1 Q1007.5010.50B2-Zilic-GatesB2-Onstott III-Laufman
1 E1 Q804.0014.00B3-McGaughy-ValentineB5-Jewett-Adhia
1 E1 Q804.0014.00B8-Bain III-LanierB8-Reichek-LaVigne
1 E1 Q804.0014.00B9-Tipton-MatteiB1-Roberts-Erkoc
5 ×N−1 A1002.0016.00B1-Karrasch-JohnsonB10-Staples-Dalton
2 NTE2 31200.0018.00B6-Silvey-ThomsonB4-Evans-Sowers
4 ×E−3 K8004.000.00C1-Sullivan-YoderC8-Gaskill-Bridges
3 N4 A1303.001.00C11-Turner-PittsfordC4-Woods-Petersen
3 E−1 Q1002.002.00C12-Ward-HarpC2-Land-Cross
1 E1 Q801.003.00C7-Zadouri-OberoiC10-Sucec-Belford
1 E2 41100.004.00C9-Perez-NaquinC5-Baer-McKee

Board 7
South Deals
Both Vul
Q 8 5 3
A K 5 3
J 10 4 2
A K 6
A K Q 10 9 8 5
Q 9
J 10 7 4 2
J 6
10 8
K 9 6 3
7 3 2
J 7 6 4 2
Q 8 7 5

EW 5; EW 4; EW 2N; NS 2; NS 1;
Par −650: EW 4+1

6 W−1 A10017.001.00A6-Roper-ValentineA9-Ryan-Sandifer
6 W−1 A10017.001.00A9-Curran-FanarofA6-Westbrook-Olson
4 W5 A6506.5011.50A1-Godfrey-HenkeA8-McCallister-Griffith
5 W5 K6506.5011.50A2-Irvin-HauckA1-Bernstein-Du Bose Jr
4 E5 A6506.5011.50A3-Ehrman-KaganA3-Soltani-Greenwood
4 W5 A6506.5011.50A4-Solovitz-RensiA5-Richard-Gross
5 W5 A6506.5011.50A5-Kubicek-MumtazA7-Bellan-Leiman
5 W5 A6506.5011.50A7-Fackenthall-DuttA2-Dyer-Conover
4 W5 A6506.5011.50A8-Zilic-MohsenzadehA4-Youssef-Perry
6 W−1 A10017.001.00B6-Silvey-ThomsonB5-Jewett-Adhia
3 W5 A20015.003.00B1-Karrasch-JohnsonB9-Bickel-Rasmussen
4 W4 A62014.004.00B4-Sells-ClarkB6-Kellet-Keller
4 W5 A6506.5011.50B2-Zilic-GatesB1-Roberts-Erkoc
5 W5 K6506.5011.50B3-McGaughy-ValentineB3-Ball-McKown
4 W5 A6506.5011.50B5-Gillespie-ArnoldB8-Reichek-LaVigne
5 W5 A6506.5011.50B7-Nowitz-BalterB7-Thompson-Vinyard
4 W5 A6506.5011.50B8-Bain III-LanierB10-Staples-Dalton
5 W5 A6506.5011.50B9-Tipton-MatteiB2-Onstott III-Laufman
4 E5 96506.5011.50B10-Martinsen-FackenthallB4-Evans-Sowers
2 W5 42004.000.00C10-Sucec-BelfordC8-Gaskill-Bridges
4 W5 A6501.502.50C1-Sullivan-YoderC6-Barski-Hakki
4 W5 A6501.502.50C2-Land-CrossC9-Perez-Naquin
4 W5 A6501.502.50C7-Zadouri-OberoiC4-Woods-Petersen
4 W5 A6501.502.50C11-Turner-PittsfordC5-Baer-McKee

Board 8
West Deals
None Vul
A 10 9 8 7 6 5
A J 8 5
K Q 10 2
K 8 6 4 2
A K J 5
K J 4 2
9 3
10 9 3
9 8 7 6
Q 3
7 6 4
Q J 7 5
Q 4 3 2

NS 2; EW 3; EW 3; EW 1N;
Par −100: NS 3×−1

2 ×N3 557018.000.00A7-Fackenthall-DuttA2-Dyer-Conover
5 ×E−3 Q50016.002.00A8-Zilic-MohsenzadehA4-Youssef-Perry
4 N5 1045015.003.00A3-Ehrman-KaganA3-Soltani-Greenwood
3 N3 1014012.006.00A4-Solovitz-RensiA5-Richard-Gross
2 N2 101109.508.50A1-Godfrey-HenkeA8-McCallister-Griffith
4 W−2 A1008.0010.00A9-Curran-FanarofA6-Westbrook-Olson
3 ×N−1 91003.5014.50A6-Roper-ValentineA9-Ryan-Sandifer
3 W3 A1102.0016.00A2-Irvin-HauckA1-Bernstein-Du Bose Jr
4 N−4 102001.0017.00A5-Kubicek-MumtazA7-Bellan-Leiman
3 ×N3 953017.001.00B6-Silvey-ThomsonB5-Jewett-Adhia
3 NTE−3 Q15014.004.00B1-Karrasch-JohnsonB9-Bickel-Rasmussen
2 N3 314012.006.00B3-McGaughy-ValentineB3-Ball-McKown
2 N3 314012.006.00B9-Tipton-MatteiB2-Onstott III-Laufman
2 N2 31109.508.50B2-Zilic-GatesB1-Roberts-Erkoc
4 N−1 3506.0012.00B4-Sells-ClarkB6-Kellet-Keller
4 N−1 7506.0012.00B8-Bain III-LanierB10-Staples-Dalton
3 N−1 9506.0012.00B10-Martinsen-FackenthallB4-Evans-Sowers
4 N−2 91003.5014.50B7-Nowitz-BalterB7-Thompson-Vinyard
3 ×N−2 103000.0018.00B5-Gillespie-ArnoldB8-Reichek-LaVigne
2 N3 21404.000.00C11-Turner-PittsfordC5-Baer-McKee
3 N−1 9503.001.00C7-Zadouri-OberoiC4-Woods-Petersen
4 N−2 91002.002.00C10-Sucec-BelfordC8-Gaskill-Bridges
4 N−3 31500.503.50C1-Sullivan-YoderC6-Barski-Hakki
4 N−3 31500.503.50C2-Land-CrossC9-Perez-Naquin

Board 9
North Deals
E-W Vul
4 2
K 10 5
J 9 8 5 4
Q 6 2
A 8 7
Q 8 7 3
A J 10 8 4
K J 9 5
J 9 6 4
Q 6 3
9 3
Q 10 6 3
A 2
A K 10 7
K 7 5

NS 2N; E 2; NS 3; W 1; E 1;
Par +120: NS 2N=

2 W−2 520018.000.00A9-Curran-FanarofA6-Westbrook-Olson
1 NTS3 J15015.502.50A1-Godfrey-HenkeA8-McCallister-Griffith
1 NTS3 315015.502.50A4-Solovitz-RensiA5-Richard-Gross
1 NTS3 815015.502.50A8-Zilic-MohsenzadehA4-Youssef-Perry
1 NTS2 1012011.506.50A3-Ehrman-KaganA3-Soltani-Greenwood
1 NTS2 J12011.506.50A5-Kubicek-MumtazA7-Bellan-Leiman
2 E−1 A1007.5010.50A2-Irvin-HauckA1-Bernstein-Du Bose Jr
1 NTS1 J905.0013.00A6-Roper-ValentineA9-Ryan-Sandifer
2 E3 K1400.5017.50A7-Fackenthall-DuttA2-Dyer-Conover
1 NTS3 815015.502.50B8-Bain III-LanierB10-Staples-Dalton
1 NTS2 J12011.506.50B2-Zilic-GatesB1-Roberts-Erkoc
1 NTS2 1012011.506.50B10-Martinsen-FackenthallB4-Evans-Sowers
3 N3 41109.009.00B3-McGaughy-ValentineB3-Ball-McKown
3 E−1 A1007.5010.50B4-Sells-ClarkB6-Kellet-Keller
1 NTS1 J905.0013.00B6-Silvey-ThomsonB5-Jewett-Adhia
1 NTS1 8905.0013.00B7-Nowitz-BalterB7-Thompson-Vinyard
1 NTS−1 8502.5015.50B1-Karrasch-JohnsonB9-Bickel-Rasmussen
3 S−1 3502.5015.50B9-Tipton-MatteiB2-Onstott III-Laufman
2 E3 A1400.5017.50B5-Gillespie-ArnoldB8-Reichek-LaVigne
3 E−4 A4004.000.00C10-Sucec-BelfordC8-Gaskill-Bridges
3 E−3 A3002.501.50C2-Land-CrossC9-Perez-Naquin
2 E−3 A3002.501.50C7-Zadouri-OberoiC4-Woods-Petersen
2 W−2 42001.003.00C11-Turner-PittsfordC5-Baer-McKee
2 W−1 41000.004.00C1-Sullivan-YoderC6-Barski-Hakki

Board 10
East Deals
Both Vul
10 6
A 10 6 2
10 7 6 5
Q J 2
A Q 9 7 4 3
J 3 2
J 8 5 2
8 5 4
K 4
A K 7 6
9 7 3
A Q 9 8
10 8 5 4 3

EW 4; EW 3N; NS 1; NS 1;
Par −620: EW 4=

2 E2 39017.001.00A7-Fackenthall-DuttA1-Bernstein-Du Bose Jr
4 W4 Q6208.0010.00A1-Godfrey-HenkeA7-Bellan-Leiman
4 W4 106208.0010.00A2-Irvin-HauckA9-Ryan-Sandifer
4 E4 Q6208.0010.00A3-Ehrman-KaganA2-Dyer-Conover
4 W4 106208.0010.00A4-Solovitz-RensiA4-Youssef-Perry
4 W4 Q6208.0010.00A5-Kubicek-MumtazA6-Westbrook-Olson
4 W4 56208.0010.00A6-Roper-ValentineA8-McCallister-Griffith
4 W4 56208.0010.00A8-Zilic-MohsenzadehA3-Soltani-Greenwood
4 W4 76208.0010.00A9-Curran-FanarofA5-Richard-Gross
4 E−1 510018.000.00B2-Zilic-GatesB10-Staples-Dalton
2 W4 517016.002.00B10-Martinsen-FackenthallB5-Jewett-Adhia
4 W4 56208.0010.00B3-McGaughy-ValentineB2-Onstott III-Laufman
4 W4 Q6208.0010.00B4-Sells-ClarkB4-Evans-Sowers
4 W4 66208.0010.00B5-Gillespie-ArnoldB7-Thompson-Vinyard
4 W4 26208.0010.00B6-Silvey-ThomsonB6-Kellet-Keller
4 W4 Q6208.0010.00B7-Nowitz-BalterB9-Bickel-Rasmussen
4 W4 Q6208.0010.00B8-Bain III-LanierB1-Roberts-Erkoc
4 W4 56208.0010.00B9-Tipton-MatteiB3-Ball-McKown
4 W5 A6500.0018.00B1-Karrasch-JohnsonB8-Reichek-LaVigne
3 W4 71704.000.00C11-Turner-PittsfordC6-Barski-Hakki
4 W4 26201.502.50C2-Land-CrossC7-Zadouri-Oberoi
4 W4 Q6201.502.50C8-Gaskill-BridgesC5-Baer-McKee
4 W4 A6201.502.50C10-Sucec-BelfordC9-Perez-Naquin
4 W4 26201.502.50C12-Ward-HarpC4-Woods-Petersen

Board 11
South Deals
None Vul
Q 10 8 6
K 9 8 2
A J 7 3
A 4
J 9 5 3 2
A 7 3
Q 10 8
Q 10 9 5
7 4
J 6 4
K 9 5 4
K J 8 7 3 2
Q 10 5
6 2

NS 2; NS 2; N 3; NS 1N; S 2; S 2; N 1;
Par +110: N 2+1; NS 2=; NS 2=

2 S3 214016.501.50A2-Irvin-HauckA9-Ryan-Sandifer
2 S3 514016.501.50A9-Curran-FanarofA5-Richard-Gross
2 S2 A11010.507.50A3-Ehrman-KaganA2-Dyer-Conover
2 S2 311010.507.50A5-Kubicek-MumtazA6-Westbrook-Olson
2 S2 311010.507.50A6-Roper-ValentineA8-McCallister-Griffith
2 S2 811010.507.50A7-Fackenthall-DuttA1-Bernstein-Du Bose Jr
2 NTN−1 3504.5013.50A1-Godfrey-HenkeA7-Bellan-Leiman
3 S−1 5504.5013.50A4-Solovitz-RensiA4-Youssef-Perry
3 NTN−3 41500.5017.50A8-Zilic-MohsenzadehA3-Soltani-Greenwood
2 S3 214016.501.50B4-Sells-ClarkB4-Evans-Sowers
2 S3 A14016.501.50B7-Nowitz-BalterB9-Bickel-Rasmussen
2 NTN2 712014.004.00B10-Martinsen-FackenthallB5-Jewett-Adhia
2 S2 1011010.507.50B5-Gillespie-ArnoldB7-Thompson-Vinyard
2 S2 311010.507.50B9-Tipton-MatteiB3-Ball-McKown
1 NTN−1 4504.5013.50B1-Karrasch-JohnsonB8-Reichek-LaVigne
2 S−1 8504.5013.50B2-Zilic-GatesB10-Staples-Dalton
4 S−1 3504.5013.50B3-McGaughy-ValentineB2-Onstott III-Laufman
2 NTN−1 4504.5013.50B8-Bain III-LanierB1-Roberts-Erkoc
3 NTN−3 41500.5017.50B6-Silvey-ThomsonB6-Kellet-Keller
2 S3 81403.500.50C2-Land-CrossC7-Zadouri-Oberoi
3 S3 31403.500.50C11-Turner-PittsfordC6-Barski-Hakki
2 NTN2 41202.002.00C10-Sucec-BelfordC9-Perez-Naquin
2 W−2 61001.003.00C8-Gaskill-BridgesC5-Baer-McKee
2 S−1 2500.004.00C12-Ward-HarpC4-Woods-Petersen

Board 12
West Deals
N-S Vul
9 7 6 5
10 3
Q 8 4
K J 3 2
Q J 10 2
A K 9 6 5
A Q 4
K 8 4 3
Q J 2
A J 7 6
10 8
8 7 4
K 10 9 5 3
9 7 6 5

EW 5; EW 4; EW 3N; NS 1; NS 1;
Par −450: EW 4+1

4 W−2 310017.500.50A6-Roper-ValentineA8-McCallister-Griffith
6 E−1 55015.003.00A2-Irvin-HauckA9-Ryan-Sandifer
5 E−1 85015.003.00A9-Curran-FanarofA5-Richard-Gross
3 W6 223013.005.00A8-Zilic-MohsenzadehA3-Soltani-Greenwood
4 E4 54209.508.50A1-Godfrey-HenkeA7-Bellan-Leiman
4 E4 54209.508.50A3-Ehrman-KaganA2-Dyer-Conover
4 E4 54209.508.50A7-Fackenthall-DuttA1-Bernstein-Du Bose Jr
4 E5 104503.5014.50A4-Solovitz-RensiA4-Youssef-Perry
4 W5 54503.5014.50A5-Kubicek-MumtazA6-Westbrook-Olson
6 E−2 1010017.500.50B1-Karrasch-JohnsonB8-Reichek-LaVigne
6 W−1 35015.003.00B8-Bain III-LanierB1-Roberts-Erkoc
4 E4 54209.508.50B2-Zilic-GatesB10-Staples-Dalton
4 E4 54209.508.50B6-Silvey-ThomsonB6-Kellet-Keller
4 E4 54209.508.50B10-Martinsen-FackenthallB5-Jewett-Adhia
4 W5 54503.5014.50B3-McGaughy-ValentineB2-Onstott III-Laufman
4 E5 74503.5014.50B4-Sells-ClarkB4-Evans-Sowers
4 E5 94503.5014.50B5-Gillespie-ArnoldB7-Thompson-Vinyard
4 E5 104503.5014.50B7-Nowitz-BalterB9-Bickel-Rasmussen
4 W6 24800.0018.00B9-Tipton-MatteiB3-Ball-McKown
4 W4 74203.500.50C10-Sucec-BelfordC9-Perez-Naquin
4 W4 44203.500.50C11-Turner-PittsfordC6-Barski-Hakki
4 W5 24501.003.00C2-Land-CrossC7-Zadouri-Oberoi
4 W5 94501.003.00C8-Gaskill-BridgesC5-Baer-McKee
4 W5 34501.003.00C12-Ward-HarpC4-Woods-Petersen

Board 13
North Deals
Both Vul
7 4 3 2
A 10 3 2
Q 7 5 4
A J 5
Q 7 3 2
Q 7 6 5
K 9
9 8 6
A K J 5
9 8
A J 8 2
K Q 10
10 8 6 4
K J 4
10 6 3

EW 4; EW 3N; EW 2; EW 2; EW 2;
Par −620: EW 4=

4 W−2 320017.001.00A1-Godfrey-HenkeA6-Westbrook-Olson
3 NTW−2 920017.001.00A2-Irvin-HauckA8-McCallister-Griffith
4 W−1 410012.006.00A4-Solovitz-RensiA3-Soltani-Greenwood
4 W−1 410012.006.00A8-Zilic-MohsenzadehA2-Dyer-Conover
4 W−1 410012.006.00A9-Curran-FanarofA4-Youssef-Perry
4 W4 96204.0014.00A3-Ehrman-KaganA1-Bernstein-Du Bose Jr
4 W4 A6204.0014.00A5-Kubicek-MumtazA5-Richard-Gross
4 W4 26204.0014.00A6-Roper-ValentineA7-Bellan-Leiman
4 W4 A6204.0014.00A7-Fackenthall-DuttA9-Ryan-Sandifer
3 W−2 420017.001.00B7-Nowitz-BalterB10-Staples-Dalton
4 E−1 610012.006.00B2-Zilic-GatesB9-Bickel-Rasmussen
4 W−1 410012.006.00B4-Sells-ClarkB3-Ball-McKown
4 E−1 1010012.006.00B9-Tipton-MatteiB4-Evans-Sowers
3 W−1 210012.006.00B10-Martinsen-FackenthallB6-Kellet-Keller
4 W4 A6204.0014.00B1-Karrasch-JohnsonB7-Thompson-Vinyard
4 W4 96204.0014.00B3-McGaughy-ValentineB1-Roberts-Erkoc
4 W4 46204.0014.00B5-Gillespie-ArnoldB5-Jewett-Adhia
4 W4 46204.0014.00B6-Silvey-ThomsonB8-Reichek-LaVigne
4 W4 36204.0014.00B8-Bain III-LanierB2-Onstott III-Laufman
4 W−2 22004.000.00C7-Zadouri-OberoiC11-Turner-Pittsford
4 W−1 71001.502.50C1-Sullivan-YoderC10-Sucec-Belford
3 E−1 91001.502.50C4-Woods-PetersenC2-Land-Cross
4 W−1 21001.502.50C9-Perez-NaquinC6-Barski-Hakki
4 W−1 A1001.502.50C12-Ward-HarpC5-Baer-McKee

Board 14
East Deals
None Vul
A 3
10 7
Q 10 9 5 2
Q 6 5 2
K 10 8 2
A 8 6
A 10 8 7 4
9 6 5 4
K 5
J 8 3
K J 9 3
Q J 7
Q J 9 4 3 2
K 7 6 4

EW 4; EW 5; EW 2N; NS 2; NS 2;
Par −420: EW 4=

2 S4 A17017.001.00A4-Solovitz-RensiA3-Soltani-Greenwood
2 S3 A14015.003.00A3-Ehrman-KaganA1-Bernstein-Du Bose Jr
4 E−2 410014.004.00A6-Roper-ValentineA7-Bellan-Leiman
4 W−1 105012.505.50A7-Fackenthall-DuttA9-Ryan-Sandifer
3 W4 101309.009.00A1-Godfrey-HenkeA6-Westbrook-Olson
3 W4 101706.5011.50A8-Zilic-MohsenzadehA2-Dyer-Conover
2 E5 Q2002.5015.50A2-Irvin-HauckA8-McCallister-Griffith
3 E5 Q2002.5015.50A5-Kubicek-MumtazA5-Richard-Gross
2 W5 Q2002.5015.50A9-Curran-FanarofA4-Youssef-Perry
2 S4 A17017.001.00B2-Zilic-GatesB9-Bickel-Rasmussen
2 S4 A17017.001.00B8-Bain III-LanierB2-Onstott III-Laufman
3 NTE−1 45012.505.50B9-Tipton-MatteiB4-Evans-Sowers
3 W3 1011010.507.50B4-Sells-ClarkB3-Ball-McKown
3 W3 1011010.507.50B7-Nowitz-BalterB10-Staples-Dalton
3 W5 101508.0010.00B6-Silvey-ThomsonB8-Reichek-LaVigne
2 E4 Q1706.5011.50B1-Karrasch-JohnsonB7-Thompson-Vinyard
3 W5 102002.5015.50B3-McGaughy-ValentineB1-Roberts-Erkoc
3 E5 Q2002.5015.50B5-Gillespie-ArnoldB5-Jewett-Adhia
2 E5 22002.5015.50B10-Martinsen-FackenthallB6-Kellet-Keller
2 S3 A1404.000.00C9-Perez-NaquinC6-Barski-Hakki
4 W−1 10503.001.00C1-Sullivan-YoderC10-Sucec-Belford
3 W3 101102.002.00C4-Woods-PetersenC2-Land-Cross
3 W4 A1301.003.00C12-Ward-HarpC5-Baer-McKee
4 E5 Q4500.004.00C7-Zadouri-OberoiC11-Turner-Pittsford

Board 15
South Deals
N-S Vul
A K 2
9 8
K Q 10 9 6
8 6 2
J 3
A K Q J 5 2
A 8 4
Q 10
Q 9 8 7 6
10 7 6 3
5 3
K 7
10 5 4
J 7 2
A J 9 5 4 3

EW 3; NS 4; NS 4; EW 2; EW 1N;
Par +100: EW 4×−1

4 W−1 A5013.504.50A1-Godfrey-HenkeA6-Westbrook-Olson
4 W−1 A5013.504.50A3-Ehrman-KaganA1-Bernstein-Du Bose Jr
4 W−1 K5013.504.50A4-Solovitz-RensiA3-Soltani-Greenwood
4 W−1 A5013.504.50A5-Kubicek-MumtazA5-Richard-Gross
4 W−1 A5013.504.50A8-Zilic-MohsenzadehA2-Dyer-Conover
3 W3 K1406.0012.00A6-Roper-ValentineA7-Bellan-Leiman
3 W3 K1406.0012.00A7-Fackenthall-DuttA9-Ryan-Sandifer
3 W3 A1406.0012.00A9-Curran-FanarofA4-Youssef-Perry
3 W4 101702.0016.00A2-Irvin-HauckA8-McCallister-Griffith
3 E−1 65013.504.50B2-Zilic-GatesB9-Bickel-Rasmussen
4 W−1 K5013.504.50B3-McGaughy-ValentineB1-Roberts-Erkoc
4 W−1 A5013.504.50B4-Sells-ClarkB3-Ball-McKown
4 W−1 K5013.504.50B5-Gillespie-ArnoldB5-Jewett-Adhia
4 W−1 A5013.504.50B10-Martinsen-FackenthallB6-Kellet-Keller
3 W3 A1406.0012.00B7-Nowitz-BalterB10-Staples-Dalton
3 W3 A1406.0012.00B8-Bain III-LanierB2-Onstott III-Laufman
3 W4 A1702.0016.00B6-Silvey-ThomsonB8-Reichek-LaVigne
3 W4 A1702.0016.00B9-Tipton-MatteiB4-Evans-Sowers
2 W5 A2000.0018.00B1-Karrasch-JohnsonB7-Thompson-Vinyard
4 W−1 A504.000.00C4-Woods-PetersenC2-Land-Cross
3 W5 A2003.001.00C9-Perez-NaquinC6-Barski-Hakki
4 W4 A4201.003.00C1-Sullivan-YoderC10-Sucec-Belford
4 W4 A4201.003.00C7-Zadouri-OberoiC11-Turner-Pittsford
4 W4 A4201.003.00C12-Ward-HarpC5-Baer-McKee

Board 16
West Deals
E-W Vul
K 9
Q J 10 2
K 10 9 7 2
K 8 6 2
Q 8 7 5
5 3
A J 3
J 10 5
A J 6 2
8 7 6 4
8 4
9 7 4 3
10 4 3
A K 9
Q 6 5

NS 4; NS 2N; NS 3; EW 1; EW 1;
Par +130: NS 2+2

2 NTN4 J18016.501.50A7-Fackenthall-DuttA8-McCallister-Griffith
1 NTN3 815014.503.50A6-Roper-ValentineA6-Westbrook-Olson
2 NTN2 812011.007.00A3-Ehrman-KaganA9-Ryan-Sandifer
2 NTN2 212011.007.00A5-Kubicek-MumtazA4-Youssef-Perry
2 NTN−1 7504.5013.50A1-Godfrey-HenkeA5-Richard-Gross
2 NTN−1 3504.5013.50A4-Solovitz-RensiA2-Dyer-Conover
3 NTN−1 2504.5013.50A8-Zilic-MohsenzadehA1-Bernstein-Du Bose Jr
3 NTN−1 2504.5013.50A9-Curran-FanarofA3-Soltani-Greenwood
3 S−2 51000.5017.50A2-Irvin-HauckA7-Bellan-Leiman
3 NTN3 840018.000.00B10-Martinsen-FackenthallB7-Thompson-Vinyard
2 NTN4 J18016.501.50B1-Karrasch-JohnsonB6-Kellet-Keller
1 NTN3 915014.503.50B2-Zilic-GatesB8-Reichek-LaVigne
2 NTN2 212011.007.00B4-Sells-ClarkB2-Onstott III-Laufman
2 NTN2 212011.007.00B7-Nowitz-BalterB1-Roberts-Erkoc
2 NTN2 212011.007.00B8-Bain III-LanierB3-Ball-McKown
2 N2 8908.0010.00B3-McGaughy-ValentineB10-Staples-Dalton
3 S−1 5504.5013.50B5-Gillespie-ArnoldB4-Evans-Sowers
2 N−1 A504.5013.50B9-Tipton-MatteiB5-Jewett-Adhia
3 NTS−2 21000.5017.50B6-Silvey-ThomsonB9-Bickel-Rasmussen
2 NTN4 J1804.000.00C1-Sullivan-YoderC7-Zadouri-Oberoi
2 N3 41103.001.00C4-Woods-PetersenC9-Perez-Naquin
3 NTN−1 2501.502.50C2-Land-CrossC10-Sucec-Belford
3 NTS−1 5501.502.50C12-Ward-HarpC6-Barski-Hakki
3 N−2 81000.004.00C8-Gaskill-BridgesC11-Turner-Pittsford

Board 17
North Deals
None Vul
A 3 2
K 5 4
10 6 5
K 8 5 2
Q 8 7
6 3
A K 9 8
A Q 6 3
K 5
10 9 7 2
J 3
J 10 9 7 4
J 10 9 6 4
A Q J 8
Q 7 4 2

NS 2; EW 3; NS 1; NS 1;
Par −100: NS 3×−1

2 S4 A17018.000.00A1-Godfrey-HenkeA5-Richard-Gross
3 W−3 J15017.001.00A4-Solovitz-RensiA2-Dyer-Conover
3 S3 A14013.504.50A7-Fackenthall-DuttA8-McCallister-Griffith
3 S3 A14013.504.50A9-Curran-FanarofA3-Soltani-Greenwood
2 S2 A1109.009.00A2-Irvin-HauckA7-Bellan-Leiman
2 S2 A1109.009.00A5-Kubicek-MumtazA4-Youssef-Perry
3 S−1 A505.5012.50A3-Ehrman-KaganA9-Ryan-Sandifer
1 NTW1 2903.5014.50A6-Roper-ValentineA6-Westbrook-Olson
1 NTW2 21200.5017.50A8-Zilic-MohsenzadehA1-Bernstein-Du Bose Jr
2 S3 A14013.504.50B2-Zilic-GatesB8-Reichek-LaVigne
2 S3 A14013.504.50B4-Sells-ClarkB2-Onstott III-Laufman
2 S3 K14013.504.50B5-Gillespie-ArnoldB4-Evans-Sowers
2 S3 A14013.504.50B9-Tipton-MatteiB5-Jewett-Adhia
2 S2 A1109.009.00B3-McGaughy-ValentineB10-Staples-Dalton
1 NTW−1 2507.0011.00B10-Martinsen-FackenthallB7-Thompson-Vinyard
2 S−1 6505.5012.50B1-Karrasch-JohnsonB6-Kellet-Keller
1 NTW1 2903.5014.50B8-Bain III-LanierB3-Ball-McKown
3 W3 21102.0016.00B7-Nowitz-BalterB1-Roberts-Erkoc
1 NTW2 21200.5017.50B6-Silvey-ThomsonB9-Bickel-Rasmussen
2 S2 A1104.000.00C2-Land-CrossC10-Sucec-Belford
4 S−2 A1003.001.00C1-Sullivan-YoderC7-Zadouri-Oberoi
1 NTW2 21202.002.00C4-Woods-PetersenC9-Perez-Naquin
1 NTW3 21500.503.50C8-Gaskill-BridgesC11-Turner-Pittsford
1 NTW3 A1500.503.50C12-Ward-HarpC6-Barski-Hakki

Board 18
East Deals
N-S Vul
J 10 2
8 7 3
K Q 9 7 6
Q J 9
9 8 4
A Q 9 6
A 4 3
7 5 4 3 2
K 6
J 4 2
J 10 8
10 8 6
A Q 7 5 3
K 10 5
5 2

NS 4; NS 3N; S 3; N 2; S 1; NS 1;
Par +620: NS 4=

2 S5 Q20018.000.00A7-Fackenthall-DuttA8-McCallister-Griffith
2 S4 Q17016.002.00A8-Zilic-MohsenzadehA1-Bernstein-Du Bose Jr
3 E−3 515014.004.00A1-Godfrey-HenkeA5-Richard-Gross
2 N4 313011.506.50A4-Solovitz-RensiA2-Dyer-Conover
2 E−2 51005.0013.00A2-Irvin-HauckA7-Bellan-Leiman
2 E−2 51005.0013.00A5-Kubicek-MumtazA4-Youssef-Perry
2 N2 2902.5015.50A3-Ehrman-KaganA9-Ryan-Sandifer
2 N2 J902.5015.50A9-Curran-FanarofA3-Soltani-Greenwood
3 S−1 Q1000.5017.50A6-Roper-ValentineA6-Westbrook-Olson
2 S4 A17016.002.00B6-Silvey-ThomsonB9-Bickel-Rasmussen
2 S4 Q17016.002.00B9-Tipton-MatteiB5-Jewett-Adhia
2 N4 213011.506.50B2-Zilic-GatesB8-Reichek-LaVigne
3 N4 213011.506.50B4-Sells-ClarkB2-Onstott III-Laufman
2 N4 213011.506.50B8-Bain III-LanierB3-Ball-McKown
2 S2 J1108.0010.00B5-Gillespie-ArnoldB4-Evans-Sowers
2 N3 J1108.0010.00B7-Nowitz-BalterB1-Roberts-Erkoc
2 S2 Q1108.0010.00B10-Martinsen-FackenthallB7-Thompson-Vinyard
2 E−2 51005.0013.00B3-McGaughy-ValentineB10-Staples-Dalton
4 S−1 Q1000.5017.50B1-Karrasch-JohnsonB6-Kellet-Keller
2 S4 A1704.000.00C2-Land-CrossC10-Sucec-Belford
2 S3 A1402.501.50C4-Woods-PetersenC9-Perez-Naquin
2 S3 41402.501.50C12-Ward-HarpC6-Barski-Hakki
2 N2 J901.003.00C8-Gaskill-BridgesC11-Turner-Pittsford
2 N−1 71000.004.00C1-Sullivan-YoderC7-Zadouri-Oberoi

Board 19
South Deals
E-W Vul
Q 5 3 2
6 3
A Q J 4
J 9 6
A J 6 4
Q 9 8
K 5
A K Q 4
A K J 10 7 5 4
10 8 5 3
K 10 8 7
10 9 8 7 6 2
7 2

W 6N; EW 6; EW 6; E 1N; NS 2; NS 1;
Par −1100: NS 7×−5

4 NTW−3 Q30018.000.00A6-Roper-ValentineA5-Richard-Gross
5 E6 1068013.504.50A1-Godfrey-HenkeA4-Youssef-Perry
4 E6 1068013.504.50A2-Irvin-HauckA6-Westbrook-Olson
4 W6 1068013.504.50A8-Zilic-MohsenzadehA9-Ryan-Sandifer
4 E6 1068013.504.50A9-Curran-FanarofA2-Dyer-Conover
3 NTW7 47208.509.50A5-Kubicek-MumtazA3-Soltani-Greenwood
6 E6 1014303.5014.50A3-Ehrman-KaganA8-McCallister-Griffith
6 E6 1014303.5014.50A4-Solovitz-RensiA1-Bernstein-Du Bose Jr
6 E6 714303.5014.50A7-Fackenthall-DuttA7-Bellan-Leiman
4 E6 268013.504.50B2-Zilic-GatesB7-Thompson-Vinyard
4 E6 768013.504.50B3-McGaughy-ValentineB9-Bickel-Rasmussen
4 W6 268013.504.50B9-Tipton-MatteiB6-Kellet-Keller
4 E6 768013.504.50B10-Martinsen-FackenthallB8-Reichek-LaVigne
3 NTW7 Q7208.509.50B5-Gillespie-ArnoldB3-Ball-McKown
6 W6 614303.5014.50B1-Karrasch-JohnsonB5-Jewett-Adhia
6 W6 214303.5014.50B4-Sells-ClarkB1-Roberts-Erkoc
6 E6 714303.5014.50B6-Silvey-ThomsonB10-Staples-Dalton
6 E6 1014303.5014.50B7-Nowitz-BalterB2-Onstott III-Laufman
6 W6 1014303.5014.50B8-Bain III-LanierB4-Evans-Sowers
4 S−4 82004.000.00C2-Land-CrossC8-Gaskill-Bridges
4 E6 76801.502.50C5-Baer-McKeeC1-Sullivan-Yoder
4 E6 26801.502.50C6-Barski-HakkiC4-Woods-Petersen
4 E6 106801.502.50C11-Turner-PittsfordC9-Perez-Naquin
4 E6 106801.502.50C12-Ward-HarpC7-Zadouri-Oberoi

Board 20
West Deals
Both Vul
K 8 7 5 4
A Q J 7
8 5 4
A Q 9
9 6 4
3 2
J 10 7 6 2
K 10 3 2
A J 9 7 6
9 5 4
J 10 6 3
8 5
K Q 10
A K 8 3

NS 3N; NS 3; N 2; NS 1; S 1;
Par +600: NS 3N=

4 N5 565018.000.00A9-Curran-FanarofA2-Dyer-Conover
4 N4 362013.504.50A1-Godfrey-HenkeA4-Youssef-Perry
4 N4 262013.504.50A3-Ehrman-KaganA8-McCallister-Griffith
4 N4 762013.504.50A7-Fackenthall-DuttA7-Bellan-Leiman
2 N5 22008.509.50A8-Zilic-MohsenzadehA9-Ryan-Sandifer
4 N−1 21005.5012.50A2-Irvin-HauckA6-Westbrook-Olson
4 N−2 52003.0015.00A6-Roper-ValentineA5-Richard-Gross
6 N−3 A3001.0017.00A5-Kubicek-MumtazA3-Soltani-Greenwood
4 E4 26200.0018.00A4-Solovitz-RensiA1-Bernstein-Du Bose Jr
4 N4 562013.504.50B2-Zilic-GatesB7-Thompson-Vinyard
4 N4 A62013.504.50B4-Sells-ClarkB1-Roberts-Erkoc
4 N4 262013.504.50B5-Gillespie-ArnoldB3-Ball-McKown
4 N4 562013.504.50B6-Silvey-ThomsonB10-Staples-Dalton
4 N4 262013.504.50B7-Nowitz-BalterB2-Onstott III-Laufman
2 W−2 A2008.509.50B8-Bain III-LanierB4-Evans-Sowers
2 N3 21407.0011.00B3-McGaughy-ValentineB9-Bickel-Rasmussen
4 N−1 41005.5012.50B9-Tipton-MatteiB6-Kellet-Keller
5 N−2 22003.0015.00B1-Karrasch-JohnsonB5-Jewett-Adhia
5 N−2 A2003.0015.00B10-Martinsen-FackenthallB8-Reichek-LaVigne
3 N4 A1704.000.00C11-Turner-PittsfordC9-Perez-Naquin
4 N−1 71002.501.50C2-Land-CrossC8-Gaskill-Bridges
4 N−1 A1002.501.50C6-Barski-HakkiC4-Woods-Petersen
4 S−2 32001.003.00C12-Ward-HarpC7-Zadouri-Oberoi
6 ×N−2 A5000.004.00C5-Baer-McKeeC1-Sullivan-Yoder

Board 21
North Deals
N-S Vul
J 10 8 4 2
K 9 4
K 8 5
9 2
A 5
J 3 2
A J 10 7 3
A 7 4
K 9
A 8 6 5
Q 9 6 4
Q 5 3
Q 7 6 3
Q 10 7
K J 10 8 6

EW 2N; NS 2; EW 2; E 3; W 2; NS 1;
Par −120: EW 2N=

3 NTW−1 J5016.002.00A7-Fackenthall-DuttA7-Bellan-Leiman
3 E−1 25016.002.00A8-Zilic-MohsenzadehA9-Ryan-Sandifer
3 NTW−1 J5016.002.00A9-Curran-FanarofA2-Dyer-Conover
2 W2 J9010.008.00A2-Irvin-HauckA6-Westbrook-Olson
3 N−1 51007.5010.50A1-Godfrey-HenkeA4-Youssef-Perry
3 N−1 41007.5010.50A4-Solovitz-RensiA1-Bernstein-Du Bose Jr
3 W3 J1106.0012.00A5-Kubicek-MumtazA3-Soltani-Greenwood
1 NTW2 21205.0013.00A6-Roper-ValentineA5-Richard-Gross
3 E3 31404.0014.00A3-Ehrman-KaganA8-McCallister-Griffith
3 NTW−1 J5016.002.00B4-Sells-ClarkB1-Roberts-Erkoc
3 W−1 J5016.002.00B5-Gillespie-ArnoldB3-Ball-McKown
1 E1 28012.505.50B3-McGaughy-ValentineB9-Bickel-Rasmussen
1 E1 28012.505.50B6-Silvey-ThomsonB10-Staples-Dalton
2 E2 J9010.008.00B2-Zilic-GatesB7-Thompson-Vinyard
2 W2 29010.008.00B9-Tipton-MatteiB6-Kellet-Keller
1 NTW3 J1503.0015.00B1-Karrasch-JohnsonB5-Jewett-Adhia
1 E4 21702.0016.00B10-Martinsen-FackenthallB8-Reichek-LaVigne
3 ×N−1 42001.0017.00B7-Nowitz-BalterB2-Onstott III-Laufman
3 NTW3 J4000.0018.00B8-Bain III-LanierB4-Evans-Sowers
3 W−1 9504.000.00C12-Ward-HarpC7-Zadouri-Oberoi
2 W2 9903.001.00C6-Barski-HakkiC4-Woods-Petersen
3 W4 41302.002.00C2-Land-CrossC8-Gaskill-Bridges
3 E4 Q1701.003.00C11-Turner-PittsfordC9-Perez-Naquin
3 NTE3 84000.004.00C5-Baer-McKeeC1-Sullivan-Yoder

Board 22
East Deals
E-W Vul
10 8 6 5
J 10 5 4 2
A K 3
Q 9 4 3
K 3
J 10 9 7 4
A 10 5
A 7
Q 9 7 6
Q 8 6 2
J 8 7 6 2
Q J 9 4 2
8 3

EW 5; EW 3; EW 2N; NS 2; EW 1;
Par −500: NS 5×−3

4 W−1 K10015.502.50A1-Godfrey-HenkeA3-Soltani-Greenwood
3 NTE−1 410015.502.50A3-Ehrman-KaganA7-Bellan-Leiman
3 NTE−1 410015.502.50A7-Fackenthall-DuttA6-Westbrook-Olson
3 N−2 610012.505.50A5-Kubicek-MumtazA2-Dyer-Conover
4 ×N−2 63009.508.50A8-Zilic-MohsenzadehA8-McCallister-Griffith
4 ×N−2 63009.508.50A9-Curran-FanarofA1-Bernstein-Du Bose Jr
4 ×N−3 35008.0010.00A4-Solovitz-RensiA9-Ryan-Sandifer
3 NTW5 56602.5015.50A2-Irvin-HauckA5-Richard-Gross
5 ×E5 27500.0018.00A6-Roper-ValentineA4-Youssef-Perry
4 NTE−2 Q20018.000.00B5-Gillespie-ArnoldB2-Onstott III-Laufman
3 NTE−1 510015.502.50B8-Bain III-LanierB5-Jewett-Adhia
3 N−2 A10012.505.50B10-Martinsen-FackenthallB9-Bickel-Rasmussen
3 W4 K13011.007.00B4-Sells-ClarkB10-Staples-Dalton
3 NTE3 Q6007.0011.00B2-Zilic-GatesB6-Kellet-Keller
3 NTE4 46305.5012.50B6-Silvey-ThomsonB1-Roberts-Erkoc
3 NTE4 Q6305.5012.50B7-Nowitz-BalterB3-Ball-McKown
3 NTW5 46602.5015.50B1-Karrasch-JohnsonB4-Evans-Sowers
3 NTW5 46602.5015.50B3-McGaughy-ValentineB8-Reichek-LaVigne
3 NTW5 46602.5015.50B9-Tipton-MatteiB7-Thompson-Vinyard
3 NTE−1 Q1004.000.00C7-Zadouri-OberoiC5-Baer-McKee
3 W4 51303.001.00C6-Barski-HakkiC2-Land-Cross
2 W4 21702.002.00C10-Sucec-BelfordC4-Woods-Petersen
3 NTE4 86301.003.00C11-Turner-PittsfordC1-Sullivan-Yoder
5 ×W5 107500.004.00C12-Ward-HarpC8-Gaskill-Bridges

Board 23
South Deals
Both Vul
A K 9 7 2
K 10 7 6 5 3
A Q 6
8 5
J 10 4 3 2
Q 4 2
J 9 2
6 4 3
A Q 9 8 7 5
K 10 8 7 5 4
Q J 10
A 9 8

NS 5; NS 5; NS 2; EW 3;
Par +650: NS 5=

4 N5 J65015.502.50A1-Godfrey-HenkeA3-Soltani-Greenwood
4 N5 J65015.502.50A8-Zilic-MohsenzadehA8-McCallister-Griffith
4 N4 J62011.007.00A5-Kubicek-MumtazA2-Dyer-Conover
4 N4 A62011.007.00A6-Roper-ValentineA4-Youssef-Perry
3 N4 A1708.509.50A2-Irvin-HauckA5-Richard-Gross
2 S2 81106.0012.00A7-Fackenthall-DuttA6-Westbrook-Olson
2 S−1 J1004.0014.00A3-Ehrman-KaganA7-Bellan-Leiman
4 N−1 A1004.0014.00A4-Solovitz-RensiA9-Ryan-Sandifer
4 E4 Q1301.5016.50A9-Curran-FanarofA1-Bernstein-Du Bose Jr
4 N5 J65015.502.50B1-Karrasch-JohnsonB4-Evans-Sowers
4 N5 J65015.502.50B2-Zilic-GatesB6-Kellet-Keller
4 N5 365015.502.50B5-Gillespie-ArnoldB2-Onstott III-Laufman
4 N5 A65015.502.50B8-Bain III-LanierB5-Jewett-Adhia
4 N4 J62011.007.00B7-Nowitz-BalterB3-Ball-McKown
3 N4 J1708.509.50B10-Martinsen-FackenthallB9-Bickel-Rasmussen
3 N4 61307.0011.00B4-Sells-ClarkB10-Staples-Dalton
3 NTN−1 91004.0014.00B9-Tipton-MatteiB7-Thompson-Vinyard
4 E4 Q1301.5016.50B3-McGaughy-ValentineB8-Reichek-LaVigne
3 S−2 J2000.0018.00B6-Silvey-ThomsonB1-Roberts-Erkoc
4 N4 J6203.500.50C7-Zadouri-OberoiC5-Baer-McKee
4 N4 J6203.500.50C12-Ward-HarpC8-Gaskill-Bridges
2 S4 81701.502.50C10-Sucec-BelfordC4-Woods-Petersen
3 N4 J1701.502.50C11-Turner-PittsfordC1-Sullivan-Yoder
5 ×N−4 J11000.004.00C6-Barski-HakkiC2-Land-Cross

Board 24
West Deals
None Vul
A 9 3
J 3
A 10 6 3
J 10 9 6
K Q J 5 4
9 6 4
J 9 4
7 2
K Q 8 5 2
A K Q 5 4 3
8 7 6 2
A 10 7
Q 8 7 5 2

EW 2; NS 3; NS 1N; EW 2; NS 1;
Par +100: EW 3×−1

4 E−2 210011.007.00A2-Irvin-HauckA5-Richard-Gross
4 W−2 J10011.007.00A5-Kubicek-MumtazA2-Dyer-Conover
4 E−2 810011.007.00A6-Roper-ValentineA4-Youssef-Perry
5 E−2 810011.007.00A8-Zilic-MohsenzadehA8-McCallister-Griffith
4 E−2 810011.007.00A9-Curran-FanarofA1-Bernstein-Du Bose Jr
4 E−1 8504.0014.00A1-Godfrey-HenkeA3-Soltani-Greenwood
4 E−1 8504.0014.00A3-Ehrman-KaganA7-Bellan-Leiman
4 E−1 8504.0014.00A7-Fackenthall-DuttA6-Westbrook-Olson
4 E4 74200.0018.00A4-Solovitz-RensiA9-Ryan-Sandifer
5 W−4 520017.500.50B2-Zilic-GatesB6-Kellet-Keller
4 W−4 920017.500.50B9-Tipton-MatteiB7-Thompson-Vinyard
5 E−3 815016.002.00B4-Sells-ClarkB10-Staples-Dalton
4 E−2 810011.007.00B1-Karrasch-JohnsonB4-Evans-Sowers
4 E−2 710011.007.00B5-Gillespie-ArnoldB2-Onstott III-Laufman
4 W−2 J10011.007.00B6-Silvey-ThomsonB1-Roberts-Erkoc
3 E−2 710011.007.00B8-Bain III-LanierB5-Jewett-Adhia
4 E−1 8504.0014.00B7-Nowitz-BalterB3-Ball-McKown
4 E−1 8504.0014.00B10-Martinsen-FackenthallB9-Bickel-Rasmussen
3 E3 51401.0017.00B3-McGaughy-ValentineB8-Reichek-LaVigne
4 E−2 81004.000.00C10-Sucec-BelfordC4-Woods-Petersen
4 E−1 8502.501.50C7-Zadouri-OberoiC5-Baer-McKee
4 E−1 8502.501.50C11-Turner-PittsfordC1-Sullivan-Yoder
2 E3 A1101.003.00C12-Ward-HarpC8-Gaskill-Bridges
3 E3 21400.004.00C6-Barski-HakkiC2-Land-Cross

Board 25
North Deals
E-W Vul
J 7 3
K Q 10 9 6 5 3
Q 10
Q 2
Q 10 4
J 8
K 9 6 5 4 2
A 8 6 4
A 9 7 6 3
A 4
A 8
K 10 9 5
K 8 5 2
7 2
J 7 3

EW 4; EW 3N; EW 4; EW 2; NS 1;
Par −620: EW 4=

4 E−2 720016.501.50A8-Zilic-MohsenzadehA7-Bellan-Leiman
4 E−1 71009.508.50A1-Godfrey-HenkeA2-Dyer-Conover
4 W−1 K1009.508.50A2-Irvin-HauckA4-Youssef-Perry
4 W−1 J1009.508.50A3-Ehrman-KaganA6-Westbrook-Olson
4 E−1 71009.508.50A4-Solovitz-RensiA8-McCallister-Griffith
4 E−1 71009.508.50A7-Fackenthall-DuttA5-Richard-Gross
4 W4 J1305.0013.00A5-Kubicek-MumtazA1-Bernstein-Du Bose Jr
3 N−3 A1504.0014.00A6-Roper-ValentineA3-Soltani-Greenwood
3 NTE3 76002.0016.00A9-Curran-FanarofA9-Ryan-Sandifer
5 E−2 720016.501.50B3-McGaughy-ValentineB7-Thompson-Vinyard
4 E−2 720016.501.50B8-Bain III-LanierB6-Kellet-Keller
4 E−2 720016.501.50B10-Martinsen-FackenthallB10-Staples-Dalton
3 N3 A11014.004.00B1-Karrasch-JohnsonB3-Ball-McKown
4 E−1 K1009.508.50B2-Zilic-GatesB5-Jewett-Adhia
4 E−1 71009.508.50B6-Silvey-ThomsonB2-Onstott III-Laufman
4 W−1 K1009.508.50B7-Nowitz-BalterB4-Evans-Sowers
3 ×N−3 A5003.0015.00B4-Sells-ClarkB9-Bickel-Rasmussen
4 E4 76201.0017.00B5-Gillespie-ArnoldB1-Roberts-Erkoc
3 NTE4 76300.0018.00B9-Tipton-MatteiB8-Reichek-LaVigne
5 W−3 J3004.000.00C4-Woods-PetersenC1-Sullivan-Yoder
3 E−2 72003.001.00C12-Ward-HarpC9-Perez-Naquin
4 W4 K1302.002.00C5-Baer-McKeeC10-Sucec-Belford
4 E4 56201.003.00C2-Land-CrossC11-Turner-Pittsford
3 NTE4 56300.004.00C8-Gaskill-BridgesC6-Barski-Hakki

Board 26
East Deals
Both Vul
J 10 9 8 7 6 5
9 7 6
10 7
A J 3
Q 9 5 4
Q J 10 8 3 2
A K 4
K Q 10
K 8 6
A K 6 5
Q 3 2
8 5 4 2
A J 3 2
7 4

EW 6N; EW 6; EW 5; EW 4; EW 1;
Par −1440: EW 6N=

3 NTE5 266016.002.00A6-Roper-ValentineA3-Soltani-Greenwood
3 NTE6 269014.004.00A8-Zilic-MohsenzadehA7-Bellan-Leiman
3 NTE7 372011.506.50A4-Solovitz-RensiA8-McCallister-Griffith
6 E6 A13707.5010.50A3-Ehrman-KaganA6-Westbrook-Olson
6 E6 713707.5010.50A5-Kubicek-MumtazA1-Bernstein-Du Bose Jr
6 E6 613707.5010.50A7-Fackenthall-DuttA5-Richard-Gross
6 NTE6 214402.0016.00A1-Godfrey-HenkeA2-Dyer-Conover
6 NTE6 214402.0016.00A2-Irvin-HauckA4-Youssef-Perry
6 NTE6 514402.0016.00A9-Curran-FanarofA9-Ryan-Sandifer
6 E−5 A50018.000.00B1-Karrasch-JohnsonB3-Ball-McKown
7 E−1 A10017.001.00B10-Martinsen-FackenthallB10-Staples-Dalton
3 NTE6 269014.004.00B6-Silvey-ThomsonB2-Onstott III-Laufman
3 NTE6 269014.004.00B8-Bain III-LanierB6-Kellet-Keller
3 NTE7 272011.506.50B4-Sells-ClarkB9-Bickel-Rasmussen
6 W6 J13707.5010.50B2-Zilic-GatesB5-Jewett-Adhia
6 E6 213707.5010.50B7-Nowitz-BalterB4-Evans-Sowers
6 E6 A13707.5010.50B9-Tipton-MatteiB8-Reichek-LaVigne
6 NTE6 A14402.0016.00B3-McGaughy-ValentineB7-Thompson-Vinyard
6 NTE6 A14402.0016.00B5-Gillespie-ArnoldB1-Roberts-Erkoc
5 E6 26204.000.00C5-Baer-McKeeC10-Sucec-Belford
3 NTE5 26603.001.00C12-Ward-HarpC9-Perez-Naquin
3 NTE6 26901.502.50C2-Land-CrossC11-Turner-Pittsford
3 NTE6 26901.502.50C8-Gaskill-BridgesC6-Barski-Hakki
6 E6 A13700.004.00C4-Woods-PetersenC1-Sullivan-Yoder

Board 27
South Deals
None Vul
J 4
9 8 6 5 2
A K Q 5 3
A 10 9 8 7 6
6 3
K 7 3
J 8
A Q 8 5
A J 10 4
10 9 6 2
Q J 5 4 2
K 10 9 7 2
7 4

EW 1N; EW 1; NS 1; EW 1; EW 1;
Par −90: EW 1N=

3 S3 A14018.000.00A8-Zilic-MohsenzadehA7-Bellan-Leiman
2 S−1 65014.503.50A2-Irvin-HauckA4-Youssef-Perry
3 N−1 35014.503.50A4-Solovitz-RensiA8-McCallister-Griffith
3 N−2 31009.009.00A3-Ehrman-KaganA6-Westbrook-Olson
3 N−2 31009.009.00A5-Kubicek-MumtazA1-Bernstein-Du Bose Jr
2 NTS−2 81009.009.00A6-Roper-ValentineA3-Soltani-Greenwood
3 NTS−3 31503.0015.00A1-Godfrey-HenkeA2-Dyer-Conover
3 S−3 A1503.0015.00A7-Fackenthall-DuttA5-Richard-Gross
4 ×S−3 25000.0018.00A9-Curran-FanarofA9-Ryan-Sandifer
3 N4 A13017.001.00B10-Martinsen-FackenthallB10-Staples-Dalton
2 N−1 35014.503.50B1-Karrasch-JohnsonB3-Ball-McKown
2 N−1 35014.503.50B2-Zilic-GatesB5-Jewett-Adhia
3 S−2 J1009.009.00B3-McGaughy-ValentineB7-Thompson-Vinyard
3 N−2 101009.009.00B4-Sells-ClarkB9-Bickel-Rasmussen
3 N−2 31009.009.00B6-Silvey-ThomsonB2-Onstott III-Laufman
3 N−2 31009.009.00B8-Bain III-LanierB6-Kellet-Keller
3 N−3 31503.0015.00B5-Gillespie-ArnoldB1-Roberts-Erkoc
3 N−3 31503.0015.00B7-Nowitz-BalterB4-Evans-Sowers
4 N−3 J1503.0015.00B9-Tipton-MatteiB8-Reichek-LaVigne
3 E−2 Q1004.000.00C8-Gaskill-BridgesC6-Barski-Hakki
1 S1 J803.001.00C4-Woods-PetersenC1-Sullivan-Yoder
3 N−1 3502.002.00C2-Land-CrossC11-Turner-Pittsford
3 S−2 A1001.003.00C12-Ward-HarpC9-Perez-Naquin
3 N−3 31500.004.00C5-Baer-McKeeC10-Sucec-Belford