April, 1999
I know everyone in District 16 joins me in mourning the loss of Henry Baer. Henry was the first and only executive secretary of our district for over 35 years - he guided the district well and provided the stability that made us one of the very best districts in the ACBL. Henry settled our differences, approved tournament dates, handled our finances and was our liaison with the ACBL not an easy job - and we were happy. Henry was the backbone of District 16 and he will be greatly missed.
Vancouver - what an outstanding national tournament.
13,160 tables in play - 3,000 over the original predictions. Playing space was fantastic and the view from the two host hotels was tremendous. Our District was well represented at the card tables and we thank District 19 and The Canadians for all of the work in making the national a great trip for us.
Congratulations to Bob Hamman and Bobby Goldman on their election to the ACBL Hall of Fame. They will be honored at the San Antonio national during the hall of fame dinner on Wednesday, at 5:oo PM July 21, 1999. If you would like to attend, the dinner tickets may be purchased from Jean Patterson in Memphis,
phone (901) - 332-5586. Bob and Bobby have been a big part of making bridge a better game for the ACBL and our District and we thank them for their many contributions.
Special congratulations to Petra Hamman for winning the "Mott Smith" Trophy race. This trophy is given annually for the most points won at the Spring national. Petra won 207 1/2 points during the tournament. Great going!
Congratulations are also in order for Petra and her Texas teammates who won the Women’s team. The team was Petra, Peggy Sutherlin, Joan Jackson, Shawn Quinn and Mildred Breed and Robin Klar.
The local organizers of Unit 172 have been working very hard in anticipation of the July National so I hope everyone has made plans to attend. This will be a great tournament - let's meet on the Riverwalk and show our appreciation to Unit 172 for hosting the event and allowing us to "get the gold" close to
In addition to the regular mailing of master point totals you can now find your current total points "online". Check the ACBL home page at www.acbl.org.
For all inactive members - beginning in May there will be a four-month amnesty period in which their dues may be paid for the ensuing year and credit for masterpoints earned during the inactive period of time.
Beginning at the San Antonio National - entry fees for all non-members and unpaid life members will be increased $1.00 Per session with the exception of Charity and 0-20 point events. On August 1, 1999 sponsoring organizations of Sectional and regional events will be urged to charge non-members and unpaid
Life members an additional 50 cents per session at sectionals and $1.00 per session at regionals. The sponsoring organization will keep the additional entry fees without paying an increased sanction fees. If the sponsoring organization elects not to collect then the additional fees must be remitted to the
ACBL in the form of increased sanctions fees.
Effective July 1, 1999 - membership dues, Life Member service fees, and Junior
fees will be increased by $2.00 per year. New membership dues will be
increased by $1.00.
The CEO of the ACBL is authorized to have the ACBL participate in the defenseof a club or club manager who sued as the sole result of having enforced ACBL regulations.
Teachers, units and clubs - advertising money is available
Up to $250.00, limited to 50% of the cost. For advance approval contact Jean Patterson at the ACBL office - Phone (901) - 332 5586.
This year a full week will be designated for Continent Wide Charity games and International Fund games. Hand records will be used in one session during the week. Dates to be determined by ACBL management. Each sanctioned club is allowed to hold one such game during each of these weeks.
Tournament directors - A code for service and conduct standards for Tournament directors will be established.
On an experimental basis, tournament directors handled all appeals from all events except NABC+ events at the Vancouver NABC and will do the same in San Antonio. This process will be reviewed after the summer NABC.
A tentative tournament schedule will be available and updated twice a month on the ACBL web site. Upon request the printed version of schedules will be available at least three times a year to District and Unit tournament coordinators.
NAOP and GNT games
Subsidies for the NAOP final have changed so be sure to read and follow all instructions for travel expenses
The following are two of the changes sent by the ACBL to all entrants:
Please let me know before the San Antonio National if you have a strong opinion on the following GNT team format Under consideration.
International Bridge
Bridge in the Olympics, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) is hosting a 2nd bridge event at its headquarters in Lausanne, Switzerland Sept 1999. For the first time there will be a ladies challenge match between four European pairs and four North American pairs. The four North American pairs will be
selected in the following manner. The pair of women with the highest score in the finals of the Life Master pairs and three pairs from the winners of the Women’s knockout at the summer NABC in San Antonio.
A North American open team will also participate in Lausanne. This team was selected to be the winners of the Vanderbilt team event played at the spring NABC in Vancouver.
The women's international team trials will be in Las Vegas June 24 to July 1. Two teams will be selected to represent the USA in the Venice cup in Bermuda, January 8, 2000. This will be the first time non qualified teams will be allowed to enter. For information call Rena at ACBL (901) - 332-5586 ext 307.
I was elected as a trustee of the 401k retirement plan for ACBL employee's and was also named as chairman of the International Events Committee. I presently serve as a World Bridge Federation delegate. If you have any questions or comments concerning these committees or any other questions please do not
hesitate to call, write, or e-mail me.
Looking forward to seeing all of you in July on the Riverwalk in San Antonio.
(915) 695-2094