District 16 Tournament Directors
Melody Euler

Melody is a Texan (born and raised). Grew up in the Dallas area and attended the University of Texas at Austin majoring in accounting.
A Gold Life Master, Melody began playing duplicate bridge in 1999. Very soon after, she began directing at the club level and serving in various positions on the Unit Board 233. She also served for several years as the District 16 NAP Coordinator and is a recipient of the Texas Star, Goodwill Ambassador, and the Jean Molnar Employee of the Year.
Hired as a part-time Tournament Director for ACBL in February of 2012. She became a full-time Director in 2017 and was promoted to Associate National in November of 2019. Other ACBL duties involve serving as the AIC for Summer NABCs, teaching the Club Director Refresher Course, Club Director Course at many NABCs as well as Regionals, and training other ACBL Tournament Directors in the area of customer service.
- melody.euler@acbl.org
- Austin, Texas
Wolf Schroeter

Wolf was born in Germany, grew up in SE Asia, and moved to Houston in 1963. He is a Gold LM who started directing in 2005.
Scott Humphrey

Scott is the Southwest area manager for the ACBL. He supervises the directors in Districts 15, 16 & 17. Scott is also the tournament sanction coordinator for District 16.
Scott was born and raised in Framingham, Massachusetts. He earned a Bachelor of Science in Foreign Service from Georgetown University, and his law degree is from the University of Houston. His entire 25-year practice of law was with the State of Texas, primarily working for the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.
Scott began tournament directing on a part-time basis in April 2006. In 2013, coinciding with his retirement from government work, he became a full-time tournament director with the ACBL. Scott is the past President of Unit 207 (Austin) and District 16. In 2002, he was the recipient of both the Texas Star and the Oswald & James Jacoby Award, and he is a member of the National Goodwill Committee. For eleven years, Scott was chairman of the District 16 awards committee. He also serves as a member of the Scorecard committee.
Scott’s other interests include tennis (he is a former NCAA official of Big 12 tennis) and bowling, having once bowled a 703 series in sanctioned league play. He has also been a contestant on Jeopardy!
- scott.humphrey1961@att.net
- Pflugerville, Texas
Tom Marsh

Tom may be from Massachusetts but having been in San Antonio ten years now may be considered an "official" Texan. After 22 years in the US Army Tom retired in 1995.
He had been an instructor at the Academy of Health Sciences, Fort Sam Houston teaching Radiation Protection.
A silver life master, Tom worked his first ACBL tournament in March 1995 and is a member of the Tournament Services crew at ACBL NABC's. They are the ones that do the set-up and make the NABC's run so smoothly.
Married to Denise, a Registered Nurse, Tom has two children. Aaron at 17 is a senior and Debra, 15, is a sophmore in high school.
Tom's hobbies are his children and he can be found at sporting events where Debra is a cheerleader and Aaron is a talented golfer. Tom works primarily in Texas and is the DIC at some of our sectionals. He also works in other districts when needed.
- tmarsh@satx.rr.com
- San Antonio, Texas
Kevin Perkins

Kevin graduated from high school in Denison, Texas, migrating to Austin and the University of Texas to finish up a degree in mathmatics.
He succeeded Al Findeisen as director at the Bridge Studio of Austin and continues to direct games in Austin.
- kevperk@juno.com
- Austin, Texas
Carolyn Pinto
Carolyn was born in NYC and raised in Washington D.C. Retired from Lockheed Martin after 36 years as a Contract Negotiator. After retirement only thing I wanted to do was direct. I have never regretted that decision. I love the job, the players, and my co-workers.