Fort Western Unit 183

Board Meeting Minutes

May 20, 2009






Fort Western Unit 183

Board Meeting Minutes

May 20, 2009


Present:           Tom Nute, Mary Hoger, Kay Jones, Max Jackson, Steve Shirey,

                        Katye Kowierschke, Margot Hirsch


Absent:            Tom Hughes





Tom Nute called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm.  The May 20, 2009 minutes were approved and have been posted.  Mary Hoger presented the treasurer’s report and it was approved. 


The board voted to offer Keith McCall $50.00 for preempting his regular Saturday game for the 20 June 2009 Grand Opening to be held at the studio.  Tom Nute will offer $50.00 to Keith McCall and inform Keith this is not a unit policy to pay for the use of the studio for unit sponsored games.  The Standing Rules will be revised to state that any game held at the studio can be preempted for unit functions without offering payment to the owner of the game. 


The Landlord wants us to put a sign on the outside of the building.  In accordance with the lease a sign is not required.  Tom Nute will ask Diane Washabaugh to inform the Landlord. 


Tom Nute will send out a letter reminding directors of some their tasks to ensure that the studio is secured and operate efficient. 


Margot Hirsh will investigate exactly what the Jacoby Service Award is and if appropriate a candidate has been selected.   


The Standing Committee Assignments was reviewed and approved by the board.  The board also decided no outside groups can use the facility.


Statuses on the following events were reviewed by the board with the following outcome:


Grand Opening – Grand Opening seem to be on schedule.  The board agreed that in the future we will do what is necessary to make sure that if the unit is holding a special event this will be communicated to anyone that is impacted by this decision.  (I DON’T KNOW IF WE AGREED TO THIS OR NOT SO PLEASE LET ME KNOW SO I CAN REMOVE.)


September Regional – Kaye Jones reported that everything for the Regional is moving as scheduled.  The Directors have been assigned. 


Fall Sectional – The board recognizes we need to start working on the unit elections.  Tom Nute will review the Standing Rules and will report next board meeting.


Prizes and Trophy’s – The board agreed that we will continue to have prizes and trophy’s for the upcoming tournaments. 





Grady Fuller’s appeal – The board decided that no action will be taken by the board on Grady’s appeal from being expelled from Thursday afternoon game.  Tom Nute will notify Grady of this decision. 


Hospitality Chair is vacant.  Katye has provided some suggested duties for this position. 


Sunshine committee inputs – Marilyn Farris had knee surgery. 


The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 pm.


Respectfully submitted,


Carolyn Pinto

Secretary-Unit 183