Fort Western Unit 183 Board Meeting Minutes October 17, 2007 Present: Katye Kowierschke, Diane Washabaugh, Mary Hoger, Tom Hughes, Steve Shirey, Kay Jones, Byron Taylor, Margot Hirsch Kay Jones, the President, called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Margot Hirsch confirmed that the approved minutes are posted at the studio and on the website. Mary Hoger presented the Treasurer's Report. The Non-Life Master Tournament recently held in Arlington was successful and made over $350.00. The report was approved. OLD BUSINESS The Fall Sectional was discussed. Katye is in good shape concerning the hospitality. Byron has arranged for the caddies who will wear identification sashes. Partnership Services are going well under the direction of Darlene Shirey and Shirley Prewitt. Katye reported on the door prizes. Margot said that she would add some door prizes. Millie Williams is purchasing the snacks and candy. Diane Washabaugh has arranged for the players' prizes. Kay received a letter stating that Will Rogers is increasing its rental fees effective January 1, 2008. The spring tournament is booked already. Kay will book next fall's tournament as soon as possible to secure the current rental price. The board approved purchasing a dedicated computer line. Margot will order the broadband service. Kay has researched Zero Tolerance. She is preparing a draft document and will send it to all board members to review prior to the next meeting via email. Kay will also follow up on the trailer reimbursement from ACBL. The Unit 183 NAP Qualifying Games were discussed. The board approved ordering pizza for all future Unit 183 NAP Qualifying Games based on the actual number of players that participate. Also, Steve Shirey or his designate will direct all of these future games. NEW BUSINESS Byron and Diane will serve as the Co-Chairs of the Pro Am Game. The Board's Christmas Party will take place on December 9. The Unit's Christmas Party will take place on Wednesday, December 19, at 7:00 p.m. The game that evening will be a Swiss Team Game. Page 2. FWUmin10.17.07 Launching an Easybridge! Program was discussed. The goal will be to start Easybridge! 1 in January 2008. Kay will approach various candidates about becoming certified to teach. Further plans will be discussed at the next meeting. Carolyn Pinto has submitted her letter of resignation as the Unit Game Wednesday Evening Director. Kay will ask her to continue directing for 30-60 days until a new director is identified. The board also discussed ways to increase table counts in all of the games. Kay and Margot will talk about the Thursday Day Game with the Director. The Non-Life Master Tournament's personnel needs were identified for next year's tournament. One director and two helpers will be used. The meeting was adjourned at 6:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Margot Hirsch