Fort Western Unit 183 Board Meeting Minutes September 20,2006 Present: Kay Jones, Mary Hoger, Diane Washabaugh, Steve Shirey, Judy Staser, Henry Weltman, Byron Taylor, Tom Hughes, Margot Hirsch Kay Jones called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Margot Hirsch presented the minutes and they were approved as read. Mary Hoger gave the Treasurer's Report. The last sectional tournament made $774.09. The report was approved. Mary will give the final financial report for the Regional next month. Kay led a wrap-up of the Regional. Players loved the Worthington and Sundance Square. The late night hospitality was not satisfactory. The food was not good. It was expensive. The food was not served in such a way that everyone received a serving. The board will consider issuing discount hospitality coupons at future regional tournaments. The parking was successful. Kay will prepare a manual of guidelines for future tournament planners to use. Kay would like all who worked on the tournament to forward their notes to her. Kay sent a letter to the Worthington's General Manager praising the hotel staff. She also thanked the board and others for their hard work. The NLM Tournament is in good shape according to Steve. The Fall Sectional will be promoted at the NLM Tournament. For the Fall Sectional, Tom will take care of the ad and the flyers. Kay and Katye will arrange for the food. Byron is in charge of the caddies. Everyone needs to emphasize the change of location for the tournament. The location is the Fort Worth Convention Center in downtown Fort Worth. . Kay notified ACBL about how to distribute the charity rebate to our designated charities. The trailer needs to be covered because it is rusting. Kay will ask Ivan to investigate purchasing a weather- proof tarp to cover the trailer. The Pro Am Game will take place the evening of October 18. Ann Kennemer is organizing the event. Diane will obtain prizes for first, second, and third places each direction. The board approved the procedure for approving the minutes by email so that they can be posted sooner on the website. The board discussed the Star Award. Kay will take care of the Star Award. The election process must begin earlier when a regional is being held in the same year. The nominating committee members are: Tom Hughes (Chair), Steve Shirey, Margot Hirsch, and Millie Williams. Margot will send out the election notice. Tom will take care of everything else involving the nominations, preparing the ballot, and sending out the ballots. Henry Weltman will chair the election. Mary Jane Orock has retired from directing games. Diane Washabaugh is the new full-time director of the Monday Morning Game. Byron Taylor announced that he is retiring by the end of the year as director of the Thursday Night Game. He will notify the board next month about his replacement. The meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Margot Hirsch