Fort Western Unit 183 Board Meeting Minutes December 3, 2006 Present: Steve Shirey, Katye Kowierschke, Tom Hughes, Kay Jones, Byron Taylor, Diane Washabaugh, Mary Hoger, Judy Staser, Margot Hirsch Kay Jones called the meeting to order. Mary Hoger reported that the finances are in good order. The minutes were approved electronically. OLD BUSINESS The decision to purchase the defibrillator was put on hold until January. There will be further discussion at the January meeting. Margot will request a written opinion from Dick Simon. Katye Kowierschke is coordinating the hospitality for the Unit Christmas Party. The Unit Christmas Party is scheduled for December 13. NEW BUSINESS The officers for the Unit 183 Board were elected. The 2007 officers are: President: Kay Jones Vice President: Steve Shirey Secretary: Margot Hirsch Treasurer: Mary Hoger The appointments for chairs were discussed. Katye Kowierschke will serve as Hospitality Chair. Katye will also consider serving as Membership Chair. Kay will ask Carolyn Pinto to consider becoming the Education Chair. The discussion and appointments will continue at the January meeting. The board sends best wishes for the holiday season and 2007 to all the unit members and their loved ones. The meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Margot Hirsch