District 16
San Antonio Bridge League Webmaster
Unit 172 of the American Contract Bridge League
P r e s i d e n t ' s   M e s s a g e
Nancy Tom

Our next unit game is the Holiday Party (Pairs) on December 14, 2024 at St. Thomas. Please see flyer for details.

"No matter where I go, I can always make new friends at the bridge table" - Martina Navratilova

P l a y e r    S p o t l i g h t R e c e n t   U p d a t e s
Left to right: Jo Ann Robertson (2024 Star Award), John Hilbig, Barbara Morgan (2024 Goodwill Award)
Membership Rankings (yesterday)
Calendar (yesterday)
Unit Game (Holiday Party)
Click on banner for flyer or results

San Antonio Bridge League, Inc. is a subsidiary of The American Contract Bridge League, Inc.
and operates as a non-profit organization within its constitution, bylaws and regulations